Chapter 20

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One Month Later

Kajal started going to work even earlier than she used to just so she could put in extra hours. She wanted to up her game after the star associate joined the team. Vikramaditya seemed to be the best of the lot. She had tough competitors even before but he went toe to toe with her performance wise. She could easily see why he was taken on at this firm. It was difficult to get a place here but he fit right in. A permanent fixture in a seat right behind her.

Work she could take care of. She was smart and she knew if anyone was as good as he was, it was her. What she couldn't shirk was the sudden spark in attention the newcomer was getting. Apparently, she was not the only one who found him attractive. Always dressed impeccably in dark colours, he had managed to turn a few too many heads in his direction. She overheard her friend sighing over his sharp black eyes at lunch one day. She gamely nodded and smiled.

Vikramaditya treated everyone the same way he was treating her nowadays. With strict professionalism and courtesy. Nothing more nothing less. She was one of his colleagues. And he was one of hers. They were no longer...neighbours. This was fine with her. She didn't need that. She was happy before and she will be happy now. But why did she miss his rare smile every time she saw him by accident leaning over a stack of papers with his sleeves rolled up and his pen twirling absently in his hand?

But she eventually got real good at shutting off all feelings and focusing solely on work. Today, she got out of her cab at 6.30 am and pulled her bag from the seat. Just as she was about to walk ahead, she felt something on her feet. She looked down and saw a Labrador looking up at her with all the adoration he could draw up. Her heart skipped a beat as she leaned down. She set her coffee cup on the ground and smiled at the dog as she reached the same eye level as him. She could swear she saw the dog break into a grin and placed his paw lovingly into her hand. She laughed and said, "Hello little one! You just made my day, you know that, you cutie? Did you know that? Of course you did!" With that, the dog barked happily and wagged his tail at her. She scratched his ears and said, "What's your name, boy? Do you have a tag? Oh there it is...Your name is...Maddy! Who's a good boy, Maddy?" Maddy barked even more loudly to confirm that indeed he was. He looked like a puppy, probably a few months old at best. Just as she looked up to see if the owner was around, she heard a voice.


She saw Vikramaditya jog up to where she was sitting with Maddy. He was now dressed in grey t-shirt and black shorts sharply contrasting with her neatly pressed pantsuit yet looking as attractive as ever. He slowed down near her and said, "So I see you met Maddy..."

Kajal ruffled Maddy's head and said, "He met me. He's yours?"

He nodded and the dog immediately bounded back to him barking joyfully. Great! This was just great. He had a dog as well. Does this guy even have any flaws? She got up from the crouched position and dusted herself off while she looked at him interacting with the dog. That is when she saw his professional mask had fallen off. He wasn't in work mode. In fact, he was now openly laughing at the dog's antics. She had never heard him laugh before. It was deep and affectionate. He looked up at her and caught her staring at him. She broke into a smile herself and said, "He's lovely."

He said, "He is, isn't he? What do you say when the pretty lady says you're lovely, Maddy? What do you say?"

Maddy barked back at Kajal and she laughed. Her joy was one part Maddy and one part Vikramaditya calling her pretty. She just didn't admit that to herself today. She asked, "I'll see you at work then?"

He gave her a genuine smile this time and said, "You will."

She walked up to the gate when she heard him call her name out. She turned around and called back, "What?"

He shot back, "Good morning, Kajal!"

She shook her head, turned back and walked into the building hiding a smile of her own.

Author's Note: Because Monday is coming! :) - S

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