Random Facts

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Continuing the trend of Random Facts inspired by Kimayaa, I'm going to do this for the story that has brought me the most amount of love on this platform. If anyone is interested, do read on. :)

1) I was actually writing another story for a friend. When she asked what I was writing about and I couldn't tell her about that one, I made up a random tale about an annoying neighbour who played music loudly and that's where this story was born.

2) A lot of you may already know this but Naina is from another story, an older one actually. I brought her back here because I loved her so much. 

3) Vikramaditya does not like pet names. That's why his name is spelled out fully throughout the story. :P

4) Samrat is infact, the more charming of the two brothers. He deserves his own story. And no, Naina isn't his one true love. 

5) Chapter 23 is my favourite.

6) This story originally did not have the full circle beginning and end chapters. That was added much later.

7) Even though I don't mention the name, a pivotal character in this tale is Mumbai. A city that has given me so much love and stories to tell. 

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