Chapter 27

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They took a rather long walk. Naina told her all about college and Jeet and Nikhil. Kajal played with the strings of her full-sleeved, hooded t-shirt and paid attention. She interrupted whenever she wanted to know more and kept quiet when she thought her sister wanted a patient ear. They walked up to the famous promenade of the city where the rocks met the sea. The ledge was dotted with people but there weren't too many at this hour of the night. She smiled just at the sight of the sea and the never ending black sky. Naina's phone rang shrilly disturbing the silence of the moment. She winced and said apologetically, "I gotta take this. Do you mind? Just sit here. I'll come find you."

Kajal nodded and swept her feet over the ledge to sit facing the water. Her hair whipped back gently and she couldn't help but smile at the feeling of just being here. She wondered why she didn't come here more often. She looked sideways and took a sharp breath as she realized who was now sitting next to her.

She turned her head swiftly to see her sister looking at her from a distance. Naina then grinned impishly, blew her a kiss and walked along the ledge away from them.

Kajal turned and looked at him again. Vikramaditya. How did this guy manage to change her entire world in the matter of a couple of months? He was just sitting there next to her looking at the sea with a similar expression on his face. Calm, happy with the weather and the view. He was dressed also like her in a grey t-shirt and black jeans. Were they really that similar?

He then looked at her and for the first time, she found him looking slightly unsure of himself. The look certainly didn't suit him. He turned around and faced her. She said in a low voice, "I had a fiancé. He left me on the day of our wedding without even telling me why."

His eyes widened in shock. He looked at her quietly for a few minutes and then said gently, "I am sorry. I figured there was something...but I didn't realize it was of this...magnitude."

After a pause, he said, "I was in a serious relationship with someone I worked with. It turns out she never liked me."

Kajal looked at him incredulously and blurted thoughtlessly, "Does that even happen?"

He chuckled softly and replied, "Well if a man can run away from you when he's already got you in a wedding dress, then yes, I am sure a girl not liking me is quite within the realm of the possible. Thanks for the ego boost, though."

She smiled, pointed at Naina and asked, "You met her?"

He nodded and said, "She's like you in many ways...Naina. I met her outside your apartment yesterday and I had to corroborate the whole story with what she already knew. She also made me show her my ID for her to believe who I was. And then she laughed and said she recognized me from the club the other day and that she was just pulling my leg."

Kajal burst out laughing at that. As her laughter subsided, she said, "That's Naina, alright! She's got spunk, that kid."

He smiled and said, "That I will agree to. Now..."

Losing heart, Kajal tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, looked at her shoes and said, "I'm scared, Thapar."

He asked softly, "Of?"

"Of being here when you're not."

He countered instantly, "But I am here."

She looked into his eyes and said quietly, "You are now. But I am...scared of you running away."

He took a deep breath and said, "Kajal, I am sorry about what happened in your past. And I am sorry for leaving after that night in the park. But the last thing you need to worry about where I am concerned is my running away from you. You need to understand that I am unable to do so. Even luck doesn't let me do it. Think about it. I find an apartment in your building. I end up in the same firm as you. My dog finds you. Even my younger brother hits on you. That last one I did not like one bit just so you know. Everything about me runs towards you. What you need to count on is no matter what, I will always be running towards you. Never away. Not again."

She broke into a smile and for the second time that day, she set her inhibitions aside, put her arms around him and settled in for a hug. He didn't waste time and wound his arms around her, holding her close to him. She placed a hand lightly on his chest and felt his heart beating as fast as hers. She understood then that even though his words could have misled her, his heart wouldn't. Not when it was everything she wanted to hear.

Without letting her go, he said, "It's weird. I always find it hard to express my feelings. It's easier with you. I wonder why..."

She pulled back slightly, looked into his eyes and asked, "Why?"

He tugged her hair playfully and replied, "Well if I have to spell that out as well, I don't think I was in my senses when I fell for you."

She laughed and said, "Nor was I. Have you heard the noise you pass off for music?"

He repeated with a smirk, "Still harping on about that, are we?"

She matched his tune and said, "I don't think we ever got past that."

She didn't let him retort to that by pulling him in for a kiss. He didn't mind her way of shutting him up.

Author's Note: You'd think this is the end. But it's not! :) - S

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