Chapter 6

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Ryan, now known as Cardinal stared at the burnt remains of his limo. His guards combed the woods in search of any sign or trail.


Turning around, he faced Julie as usual her expression was icy. "What is it?"

She lifted her hand, between her fingers was a shiny ring. "We've only manage to find this among the wreckage."

Slowly, Ryan reached out and took the ring from her. It was scraped here and there, but the bright ruby still shined from the center. "Anything else?"

He asked, his eyes focused on the ring as he turned this way and that.

She nodded, "The wreck itself, was caused by a drunk trucker, who called it in after he suffered from a guilty conscious suddenly." A look of suspicion came to her eyes, "The oddity is that the license plate, suggest that it was another worker who was actually driving but, he has yet to be found."

Closing his other hand over the ring, Ryan lowered his hands. "And?"

Julie stepped forward lowering her voice, "We suspect that it was plotted, from the records of the humans it's all an open shut case, which raised too many red flags, but—."

Ryan eyes narrowed on her, causing her to lower hers. "But, what?"

"As no one has felt the Hive over the last 48 hours, it's now rumored that the Hive has die—."

"Shut up!" Ryan snapped, his eyes growing black. Leaning closer, his voice grew menacing. His leathered gloved hand reached up and grabbed her throat. "Whoever dares to utter those words, will suffer death by my hands." He shoved her away, "The Hive lives, and no matter what I. Will. Find her. Understand?"

Julie nodded sharply, before walking back over to the other guards.

Ryan tightened his left hand around the ring, staring into the distance he could only think of one person who'd have clearer idea of what have might have taken place here. And where his wife might be.



Cardinal screamed at Adam, his face was an unpleasant shade of red as he glared down at the bruised Adam. They were in the sitting room, the others of the Deveux clan stared on as the Cardinal hit Adam again.

His dark black hair was plastered to his forehead from sweat. His eyes were swallowed in black, straightening Cardinal faced the head of Deveux.

Anya's face remained stoic as she didn't move her eyes from the dropped head of Adam.

"If my wife isn't found I will come back every day and rip him apart over, and over." Slowly Anya lifted her wide blue eyes to his face. Cardinal pulled his sleeves down, and buttoned them, "Also, I've contacted the previous leader of your family. It seems he is eager to rejoin the coven...Dierdra I believe he's named. I've given him leave to do so."

He took the coat from Julie's hand, and pulled it on, "Bring my wife to me Deveux. if she isn't back by the next red moon I will be very disappointed, do you understand, Deveux?"

"I do." Anya said quietly, her eyes returning to Adam. "I will find her, and turn her over to you personally."

With a short nod, Cardinal left the room missing the look that passed between Julie, and Anya.

Once the door was shut, Anya walked over to Adam and laid a light hand on his head. "You my son, are playing a dangerous game."

Adam chuckled, his voice raspy, "No more dangerous, then the days of the revolution...or have you grown too old for such fun?"

She hissed, her grip tightening on his skull, "Old? You dare?"

"He dares much recently." A cold voice added, a young men of dark features and blue eye's stepped forward. The shocking claw marks that were jagged down his face, slowly hissed from healing. The blue in his eyes slowly fading as a young women placed a calming hand on his shoulder. "You are lucky I did not die, from your foolishness!" He spat.

The young-women, sighed heavily, "Zuric is right," Her almond shape eyes were narrowed, dark-blue had become darker from worry, "Adam you dare too much, he is still our current master."

He lifted his head slightly, looking at them through the one eye that wasn't swollen shut. "I dare many things, if it will take our house out of the grip of a tyrant only out for revenge." He spat out blood onto the golden carpet, "And he's no master without his dearest Hive." He swallowed, working his jaw. "Without her, it won't be long before he loses power."

His eyes stared fiercely into Anya eyes. Anya stared at him silently for a moment, "Talia only speaks the truth. You say it is for such a noble cause but ...I am worried that you are fighting for something else."

Jerking his head from under her hand, he pulled at the ropes, "Are you not going to un-tie me?"

The sudden change of topic, gave Anya all the answer she needed. Silently she nodded and walked around to the untie him. She hope that he wouldn't be the one to lose his love again.


All night I worked on clearing out the small shop, as Gaius went around the city handing over all his precious stones for pricing. I'd long ago changed into baggy jeans, and an oversized T-shirt. I pulled my hair up and covered it with a hat, I still couldn't recall why I'd cut it such an awkward length.

The lamps Gaius had grabbed were all over the place to light up the large space as I was currently cleaning. Picking up another table I quickly demolished it, my extra strength and speed made the process go by faster.

"Wow, you've been working hard haven't you?"

Tossing the broken pieces of wood to the left wall were I had been gathering them, I faced Gaius annoyed.

"And where have you been all day?"

He lifted a box, the sweet smell reached my noise. "I brought donuts."

I walked over navigating my way around the different piles of trash I'd gathered. Giving him a deadpanned look I snatched the box from his, "Great, so I'll eat while you take all that trash out."


I raised a finger and wagged it at him, "No, you wouldn't dream of eating anything before you did any work, right?"

"Serin—." He whined, but I ignored him in favor of grabbing one of the donuts and taking a bite. Using the hand holding the box. I waved him away, chewing slowly I let my mind wander to thoughts of what color paint I wanted.

Hearing groan in the back ground, I walked over to what appeared to be shopping bags. Swallowing my large bite of donut, I asked "Did you get everything I asked for?" I knelt down to go through the bags, setting the lovely donuts down.

"Yep," I heard the sound of wood knocking together. Feeling a breeze, I looked behind mildly amused at the fact that four of the six piles were already gone.

Turning my attention back to the bags, I started gathering the supplies.

"We should be done all this bye morning, right?" Gaius sounded hopeful.

I gave a doubtful look at the bags, "I'm not sure about that," Giving the now cleared space of once over, before I faced him, "Well, if we work ourselves to death, we might make it,"

"Death?" He chuckled bending over to pick up a brush, "It's too late for that, but I get what you mean."

Rolling my eyes at his lame attempt of a joke, I grabbed up a can of paint and got to it.


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