Chapter 19

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Gavril walked up the steps, shifting the silver ties D'or had picked out for him. The Scorzzi family truly had confidence to invite the Anatolie to their gala. After his irritating talking with Dean, he'd been tempted not to go, but to the world at large the two companies had a good relationship.

"And you need to get out," D'or had insisted, even now as she followed behind him in a green, silvery dress. He felt her eyes filled with worry, burying into his back.

If he'd instead gone out to roam, and hunt she would have badgered him to take more guards with him. Anghel had managed to squeeze out of going as he'd been eager to train some new recruits.

Entering the ball room, Gavril gave a circumspect glance around. Quickly spotting the Scrozzi vampire elders. Taking where they were in account, he determined to stay as far away from them as possible. Or he'd lose all the control he was barely emitting now.

"Ah," Hearing D'or low exclamation Gavril jerked his head to her mildly surprised expression. She was staring at something, from where they stood at the top of the stairs that lead down to the ballroom floor. Following her gaze, he found his eyes resting on the flower shop keeper.

She was standing with two other women, his eyes raked over her body. Her figure was curvaceous, and the silken midnight blue gown hugged her in all the right places.

She reached up, and swept a curl from her eyes, a feminine gesture that drew hungry eyes to her throat. His growing hunger, was stemmed and swiftly turned to rage when Lucien Scorzzi walked up behind her, and laid a friendly hand on her shoulder.

She didn't pull away from him, but glance up at him and smiled...she fucking smiled. The Venitar within roared to life, a muscle ticked in his jaw.

That monster hands were touching his woman, his. Gritting his teeth, he felt a light restraining hand land on his forearm.

"No, not here Gavril..." D'or whispered harshly.

Gavril for one paid her little heed, and reaching over removed her hands from his arm, and proceeded to make a bee line for Lesly.


Still laughing at Lucien joke about women, and talking too much. I watched as he walked over to Cleo's side, and lifted her hand to his lips. It was funny as much as Cleo had said she didn't want to get mated, the way she was acting around Lucien you would think otherwise.

I winced...when had she said she didn't want a mate?

Searching for the memory, I was distracted for a moment only to feel a hand grabbed mine. Startled I lifted my gaze, only to meet angry green. My breath caught, a memorable feeling within reawakening.

A spark of fear, and...excitement.

"W-what are you doing?" I said breathlessly, trying to pull my hand from Gavrils grip but it wasn't working.

He jerked me closer, I stumbled falling into him.

"Lesly?" Cleo said, her eyes narrowing on Gavril, a spark of the well-known Cleo showing. "Who is this?"

I twisted my hand, trying to shake his hold. Frowning, "" I snapped finally jerking my hand from his hold, giving Cleo a calm smile, "Don't worry," I faced Gavril, letting my annoyance show. "Mister Gavril is one my clients...he must wish to speak with me about the plants," I said trying to keep the situation below zero.

"Damn, the plants." He said angrily, taking hold of my hand again, he pulled me behind him, "Come with me." He demanded sharply.

I reluctantly let myself be dragged away, Cleo looked after me with worry. Lucien laying a hand on her shoulder, I silently reassured her with small smile. Before turning a hard glare on Gavril's back, whatever his reason once we stopped I was going to let him have it.


Gavril stomped out the large glass doors, that lead outside to the terrace. Tossing Lesley forward, he breathed heavily glaring at her. "What are you doing here?" He asked, snapping at her.

Catching herself, Serin straightened her expression indignant. "Where do you get off demanding answers from me, huh?!"

She glared at him, "I don't know what's wrong with your head, but I don't have to answer to you now, or ever." She turned to walk back inside, only for him to grab her by her shoulders and whip her around drawing her close.

" that thing...touch you." He said, his face pained. He searched her face, seeing only confusion, "How can you barely stand my touch, but let him touch you?"

Sering was thoroughly confused, she shook her head, Her eyes wide in complete horror, "Your mad." She whispered, she started struggling, "Let me go!"

"If I'm mad..." He whispered, leaning closer. His green eyes flaring dangerously, "Its all your fault." He spoke against her lips, before he hungrily took them. He held her wrist in his grip, squeezing them between their bodies.

Serin jerked her head away, "Stop!" she said, leaning away, panting she shook her head, "W-we can't. You can't..." She said, her eyes showing some desperation.

Gavril ignored her protest, releasing one of her hands he reached behind her head, pulling her close and musing her neat hair. The pins dislodging, falling they tinked as they hit the ground.

A wicked laughter erupted inside Serins head, as the situation seemed to be spiraling out of control. Not only was Gavril hungrily kissing her as if she was the last person on earth, but she was responding just as hungrily, as if she had finally something to quench her thrust.

He pulled her closer, but to Serin it wasn't close enough. Their tongues fought for dominance as her eyes heated, she felt her blood rushing through her veins, as the sound of his heart thrummed in her ears. Calling to her vampiric need, she gripped the edge of his jacket, she wasn't sure if it was to keep him from running, or to keep her steady.

Something...something like this had happened before.

The need...the hunger, the ache that couldn't be explained in her chest.

Something similar, but...this was more...more real?

As if she'd been forced fed something fake, something cheap.


Her real name whispered across her mind, ripping a whole into her. With a cry of pain, she pushed Gavril away, covering her eyes she felt pain like no other rip into her stomach.

"Serin...I love you." The voice crooned, like a lover.

Blood covered the ground, as bodies crawled towards her, as their glassy eyes stared at her, as if begging her for salvation as they reached out towards her.

"Serin, where are you?" The high keening voice turned darker, pulling her unwillingly closer.

Blue eyes, misted over with black turning into eyes of a demon as they focused on her, "Found you." Serin dropped her hands, feeling heavy hands land on her shoulders, the demon smiled at her, "Here you are." He grinned his sharpened teeth flashing.

Her mouth opened in a silent scream, before her eyes rolled back and she fell forward in a dead faint.

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