Chapter 7

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The next morning, I awoke from my shut-down state and eagerly got up. The sun shined brightly through the window. Hearing movement downstairs I quickly went to the bathroom and got cleaned up.

Walking downstairs, I jerked my hand up and caught something. Gaius whistled, he had backpack on and was drinking from a thermos.

"Next time a little warning. What did you throw at me?" Opening my hand, I saw car keys, and what looked like a house key.

"Isn't it obvious," Gaius said was he checked his appearance in the mirror on the wall, "You're going to have to get around alone while I'm at school."

"That's starts today?" I'd forgotten that Gaius was attending NYU for some summer classes. I leaned against the stairwell railing pouting, "I thought you'd come with me for interviews."

He chucked me under the chin chuckling, "No can do." He raced back to avoid my swing, throwing a wave over his shoulder, "Gotta go, and don't forget to take your supplement pills. Bye."

The door shut behind him, grumbling I went into the kitchen. He probably was just trying to avoid the whole boring process. Reaching in the fridge, I pulled out my favorite blood pack. Peeling off the straw on the front, I pushed it in the hole. Sipping, I searched for something to eat, while taking inventory of what I would need to pick up.

Mentally groaning at the idea of grocery shopping, I grabbed the dark-blue bottle of supplements that sat on the counter, and opened it letting one of the grey bullet shaped pills spill into my hand, I popped one in taking a quick sip of blood to swallow it down.

Finishing it off, and tossing it in the trash. I stood silent in the kitchen, okay. This wasn't going to work, gathering my courage I ran upstairs. I wasn't going to molder in the house for hours before the store opens.

Changing into dark-green cargos, and a loose sleeveless T-shirt that read 'bad Ape' I grabbed up my messenger army colored bag. Opening it, I pulled out my wallet, to check the new identity Gaius had given me. I wasn't sure why we needed different name, but I threw it off as a vampire thing.

"Lesly Rice." Reading it aloud, I cringed it was sounded like a name from a sappy romance novel. Shoving the ID back in my wallet I dropped it in my bag and headed out.

The sun was bright, and city alive as I stepped outside. The sound of people shouting, and horn honking came from the distance. Eager to see what was outside of this small neighborhood I got in the car, and turning the key. I headed out.

Eating ice cream I walked along the cement sidewalk, central park was filled with joggers and bikers. Stopping to watch a cellist perform, I felt my phone vibrating. Licking some of the spilled chocolate ice cream from my hand I reached in my purse for my phone and pulled it out cursing when I saw the time.

Quickly I ran towards my car, tossing my ice cream into one of trashcans. How I could be late for my own interviews, muttering about quiet ringers I drove off towards the shop.


"And I love roses, their so...o, romantic."

Keeping my smile, despite the pain it was causing me I lifted my hand. Stopping the excited young woman in her tacks. She blinked her bright blues at me, and her expression became doleful.

"Um, thanks for coming." Standing I put my hand out, "We'll call you if we decide we like your resume."

"O-oh." She awkwardly stood, and shook my hand before she left.

Plopping down in my chair, I groaned. Staring up at the ceiling I'd decorated myself with golden Camellias here and there. Was there no one who knew more about flowers, than that roses were romantic?

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