Chapter 24

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Author: Thanks for being patient, and enjoy my world of vampires. If you want to know when you can request a story to be updated, follow me for updates and alerts!! Oh! the main characters name is GAVRIL I'll fix it in other chapters once I have the time.


"What is your relationship with those leeches?" Gavril asked suddenly.

Serin paused in her sweeping to glance over her shoulder at him, "Leeches?"

"The vampires," He repeated impatiently, he'd managed to get his energy and vigor back but as of yet, he hadn't bothered to call his people to come and get him.

"Ahh," She nodded her head, "They-, well they saved my life." She ended it there, and went back to sweeping, "It's a long story."

"I've all the time in the world," He assured her, she could hear him shifting, and she soon realized he'd gotten up to come over to her side. He placed a hand on shoulder, stopping her busy movement, "Tell me," He urged.

Serin mentally cursed, and half turned she faced him, "They took me in when my family died, and...they gave me there blood." She saw his eyes grow dark, "I'm not changed, just a little different."

She wondered why she cared whether this man thought well of her or not. Pulling away from him, she walked over to the wall placing the broom against it, "You should call your people and have them come and get you. I have a lot of work to get the store back into shape."

Feeling his eyes boring into her back, she struggled not to let herself weaken, "It would be inconvenient explaining to the others what happened with you here."

"Do you want me gone that badly?" he asked, his voice soft. Hiding something, that for her ears was clearly heard.

"Do you think you can stay?" She turned and smiled sadly, "You don't like vampires, and I...the people that call my saviors are vampires. I don't think the first between you two should be with my store laid waste between y'alls feet."

Gavin swallowed what he would have said, for it was true he couldn't stand those blood sucking leeches. His fingers curled into a fist at his side. Lesly as pushed him when she should've been running into his arms instead.

She rustled in her coat pocket, and pulled out her cell, "Here, give them a call." She motioned with her chin upwards, "I'm going to call someone to come replace the glass."

He reluctantly took her phone, and watched her walk away around corner. There had to be some way for her to be released from those vampires influence, and he would find it.


"They have been taken?!"

Anaea eyes widened, as she stared out the glass window. The glass reflected her look of shock, "Are you sure?! Layton, he clearly intends on luring her back by using her family, me if anything changes."

"What is it?"

Anaea turned around, and met the worried gaze of her husband Felix. They'd just left North Carolina and were heading to Virgina to speak with the vampire coven there, they currently staying in a generic hotel to avoid being noticed by anyone loyal to the Cardinal.

"He's went after her family," Anaea said her eyes moving as she tried to think of something, anything to prevent Serin from finding out.

"What, but to involve humans-," "I know. He is not following our laws." Anaea hissed, growing agitated the more she thought about it, she lifted her worried to Felix dark expression, "If she finds out, she'll go to him."

"How do we stop her," Felix asked moving closer, he crossed his arms. His expression now thoughtful, "The only way to stop her; would be to not alert her to it. Instead we could try to save them ourselves..." "That wouldn't work," Anaea contradicted, wringing her hands together, "He has too many rouges at his beck and call."

The two were silent, before Anaea jerked her head, her eyes bright. "Adam!"

Felix blinked, "And what can he do?"

"He can keep them safe, till we are ready to rescue them." Anaea said, quickly lifting her phone and dialing, "He's the only one the Cardinal hates and trust enough to leave with the humans."


Three humans with their hands and feet bound, stared in terrified silence at the man before them. They couldn't scream as a ball of wool had been stuffed in their mouths, and then covered with duct tape.

Ryan bowed, "I'm so happy to welcome my loves family to our abode," he motioned with wide arms to stone carved chambers. The grinning gargoyles seemed the only one's amused by his showmanship. He lowered his arms, his blue eyes twinkling in an innocent fashion, "I've waited for this moment, ever since my love told of her heart breaking separation from her family," The second eldest, her eyes shooting fiery darts fury grunted, trying to loosen the binds. "Yes, yes...I know you as eager, as I am to see my love again."

He raised his right hand, and open palm pointed to something behind them, "Alas she is not here to welcome you all, but nonetheless I do believe she will waste any time in coming once she learns your here."

Footsteps echoed out as someone drew closer, and stopped behind the three women.

"Adam...," Ryan said salaciously, "Please, take care of these three for me, until there sister returns."

The youngest of three, eyes widened she turned her head, and Adam met the bright gaze of brown colored eyes. So very similar to Serins he felt immediate need to watch out for the young girl, but it didn't take long for the look of curiosity to turn into anger. Her hate field gaze was understandable as they had kidnapped them.

Adam returned his board gaze to Cardinal and nodded, "I will have them moved to separate rooms and kept there until the mistress arrival."


Gavril, changed and now in a suit; walked into his office on a mission. He barely said his usual charming hellos to his works, before getting on the elevator. Yet, before he could push the button for the tenth floor, the lights flashed and he was descending below.

Eager to get to his own business he cursed as he walked out of the elevator into the dark chambers of Deans abode.

Unsurprisingly, his sister and brother stood on the last floor. "The prodigal son has returned~," Dean in amusement, as he searched through a glass bowl in his lap filled with different colored m&m's. "Your sister was worried, she says that you disappeared after the Scorzi Ball."

Gavril gave his sister an annoyed stare, she met it and upped the power in her own. He spoked then, glad that at least his brother seemed unaware of the happening of last night, "It was nothing. Just wished for some alone time."

"Hmm, alone time,,," Dean drawled, as he distractedly reached for a remote at his side, and lifting it pointed it at the T.V, in  flash of white four bodies appeared on the screen, all were badly mangled and misshapen between human and monster, "Did you alone time involve these pleasant gentlemen?"

His eyes lifted from the bowl, and seemingly glowed as they stared at Gavril, "Answers...Answers is all that seek."


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