The Rat Meets His Flower - An Unexpected But Pleaseant Meeting

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// I'm sorry took so long! It would have been out earlier but the progress I had didn't save when my laptop bugged a while ago.. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Your comments mean a lot, by the way! //

The white haired teen's eyes fluttered open, waking from another nights sleep. He smiled sleepily, sitting up as he stretched his arms, standing and heading for a shower. Once done, he quickly got dressed, picking out a simple sweater, jeans, and shoes. He grabbed his bad, putting his laptop and a few books inside.

He headed downstairs, soon greeted by his mother. "Good morning, Shion.~"

"Good morning, mom!" Shion smiled, placing a kiss on her cheek, moving into the kitchen to grab an apple to take with him.

"Are you going to the library again today?" His mother asked.

"Yeah! I still have a little work left to do on my project, but I should be done in a few hours!"

"Alright, good luck! And don't push yourself too hard, alright?"

"I won't! I'll see you later, love you!"

"I love you too, Shion!" Karan smiled, watching her son as he left.

Shion smiled to himself, taking a bit of his apple as he walked. It was autumn, the streets becoming less crowded, thanks to the cool weather. It was his favorite season. He always liked the way the street looked, covered in warm colored leaves, the people in scarfs and coats, often walking with the lover they were destined to be with. Hi sighed. He always wondered when he and his soulmate would meet. He knew nearly everything there was to know about them now, and already cherished them. He knew all he could do was wait until fate decided it was their turn to meet, to be happy with one another. He smiled at the thought, that one day he might be able to enjoy walking hand in hand with them.

His thoughts were pushed away as he entered the library, offering the librarian at the desk a warm hello as he passed, tossing the remains of his apple into the garbage can. He picked a table, setting his bag onto a chair and retrieving his laptop. Sitting down in the chair next to it, he opened quickly signed in and opened up to his project, setting to work on it.

About 30 minuets after he began, he soon needed a drink. He sat up properly, stretching his arms and back a bit before getting up. He headed over to the small water station in the library, grabbing one of the styrofoam cups and filling it a little more than half way. Taking a sip as he walked back, he failed to notice the person until it was too late. The bump caused his grip on the cup to falter, some of the water effectively wetting the persons shirt.

""I- I'm sorry! Let me get something to-"

"It's alright-"

"No really, I feel bad about this so-"

"You really don't need to, it'll dry itself-"

"Are you sure? I mean it is my fault-"


At the sound of his name, the teen glanced back to the owner of the voice, which left him shocked to say the least. The person wore a black leather jacket, a dark colored shirt underneath it, as well a plain pair of jeans and lower shin cut boots. He had black hair, pulled into a ponytail save for the bangs that framed his face, a bit too perfectly if you asked Shion.

"Oh. Nezumi."

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