A Long Awaited Hello

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(( Hey guys! I'm proud of myself for getting this out before Christmas! I hope you enjoy this chapter, it was fun to write! Comments are always appreciated, they alway mean a lot to me! I'll talk with you all later.~ ))

"Oh. Nezumi."

Shion studied the male before him for a moment, his eyes slowly widening as he fully grasped the moment. This was Nezumi. This was his soulmate. This was the moment he had been waiting for for nearly 17 years. The white haired male grinned, all but tackling Nezumi in an embrace.

"Oh my God Nezumi! It's you! You're here!" He laughed, hugging Nezumi in a tight embrace, his eyes closed as he nuzzled his head into the crook of the taller boys neck. Nezumi chuckled a bit as hugged the white haired boy back, his arms securely around his waist as he glanced down at him, a soft smirk settling on his lips.

"Indeed I am, your majesty. Though as much as I adore having water spilled on me, I would have also enjoyed a dryer meeting." The raven teased, eventually pulling away from their embrace.

Shion laughed again, soft and happy, a light blush visible in his cheeks. "Right, sorry." He gave Nezumi a bright smile. "So, did you want to go somewhere, maybe? You know, since we sort of just met and all, I want to just be with you for a bit."

"Reasonable enough, then where did you want to go, Shion?" Nezumi asked, agreeing to Shion's suggestion. He also wanted to be around him a while longer, to finally meet and be with the boy he cared so much about.

"Hm, how about the café down the block? It's usually not too busy this time of day." He suggested.

"Sounds alright to me." He nodded.

"Alright! Cool! Just let me get my stuff, alright?" He smiled at Nezumi once again, then quickly returned to the table he had set up at, packing away his laptop into his bag and slinging said item over his shoulder.

"Alright, lets go!" He bounced back over to Nezumi's side, both males exiting the library and onto the chilled streets. A moment later Shion glanced around, feeling as if the world felt much lighter, much happier. Or maybe it was just him. Either way, he liked it. His hand brushed against Nezumi's, a silent question asked from the action, which Nezumi gladly answered by taking the white haired boys hands, linking their fingers together in the process. Shion couldn't help the grin that wormed it's way onto his lips.

Nezumi smiled softly to himself, thankful that the day had turned out better than he could have expected. Being with Shion gave him a sense of comfort, of belonging. He didn't have to worry about any expectations to meet, as the boy already new Nezumi inside and out by now, and as did he with Shion. This was his person, the one who he would forever share the rest of his life with. He was glad it was Shion, not wanting the imagine his soulmate as any one other than him, that he was certain of.

So, hand in hand, the two males continued their walk to the café, exchanging words and stories as they walked. Shion was excited to see where this day would take them, how it would progress. But for now, he simply smiled, cherishing the feeling of Nezumi's hand in his own. He would continue to let the flow of the world do as it intended. Afterall, it had just united them, together at last.

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