In Which Shion Is Almost Tickled To Death

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//yEAH ANOTHER UPDATE!! Also should I do a Christmas one-shot for this AU?? Give me some idea's for the next chapter and a Christmas one-shot! I love you all ! <3 //

They're hand-in-hand when Shion opens the door to his mother's bakery, the sign  leading Nezumi inside and searching for his mother's face. He spots her, no other place than behind the counter of course, helping one of the few customers in the store. Shion waits until she's finished, then slips his hand from Nezumi's and goes to greet her with a hug.

"Hey mom!" Shion greets happily, his smile dazzling. His mother smiles softly in return.

"Hello, Shion. You're back earlier than I expected." She teases gently, and Shion blushes just a bit and giggles.

"I guess it's kind of true.." He smiles.

His mother's eyes look over at Nezumi, and she has her suspicions upon who he might be,from the way Shion catches her gaze and his blush darkens, and he walks to Nezumi's side, gently tugging on his hand to pull him over to Karen, they way their fingers lace together not going unnoticed by her.

"Mom, this is Nezumi, you know my uh, soulmate.." He says a bit bashfully, but smiling nonetheless. Nezumi stretches his hand out in a greeting.

"It's nice to meet you." He says and smiles slightly. Karan's soft smile remains as she reaches out and gently shakes his hand.

"It's nice to meet you too, Nezumi. Feel free to call me Karan." She adds, and Nezumi nods. "Shion, why don't you gets some snack and head up to your room? I'm sure you'd like to time to yourselves." She smiles lovingly.

Nezumi cant help but smile as well, her kindness evident and making him feel welcomed, and safe. Shion smiles and thanks his mother, giving her another hug before he pulls Nezumi along with him to grab a few drinks and some cookies. He then leads them up to his room, letting Nezumi in first and pulling the door to as he follows behind him. Nezumi sits of his bed, and takes the drink Shion offers him, taking a few drinks of it.

Shion sits beside him, their sides touching. It's not uncomfortable, Nezumi finds, rather comforting in a way. They sit like this is silence for a while, the exception of bites being taken out of cookie and sips from their drinks. Finally Shion speaks up, breaking the silence with what he's sure is on both of their minds.

"It was kind of obvious we had soulmates, but.. I guess it's kind of relieving to meet you. you know, seeing you safe and getting to be with you finally. Knowing you're safe." He says, and lays his head on Nezumi's shoulder. Nezumi hums, and bring his hand up to gently run his fingers through Shion's hair.

"I understand what you mean. Before I was old enough to value having a soulmate, I thought it was dumb, having dreams about some person you were fated to be with." He says, and Shion smiles.

"Yeah, I could see that. It is an odd concept when you're little, though. But honestly, I was really excited. Knowing that there was someone who would love me one day, to have a deeper relationship with them than with anyone else." He realizes how sappy he must sound, and chuckles softly, the tips of his ears reddening. "That was kind of sappy, huh..? But it's true.. And I'm really glad it's you, I'm really glad I got to meet you today." He adds.

Nezumi snorts, though in more of an affectionate way that teasing or judging. He wraps an arm around Shion, tugging him closer to himself. "Oh yeah, super sappy. But you are a sappy person." He smirks and and kisses the top of Shions hair. The boy flustered immediately, causing Nezumi to chuckle softly. Shion smiled, Nezumi's laughter sounding like music to his ears. He turned himself to face Nezumi, wrapping both his arms around him in a hug, nuzzling his face into Nezumi's shoulder. Nezumi hummed, wrapping his other rm around Shion now and holding him close, nuzzling his nose into his hair.

"You're still sappy, but I.. I feel the same. It's nice knowing at least one person will love you, and won't let you go." He admitted, closing his eyes and taking in Shion's scent. He smelt nice, like after you finished baking. Which was probably the case, since his mother owned a bakery Shion helped out in during his free time.

It was Shion's turn to chuckle as he looked up at Nezumi. "Mmh, real smooth Mr. Dramatics." He teased, his smiling loving. Nezumi huffed half-heatedly, and poked his stomach. He was expecting another come-back, but instead Shion jumped as a small snicker escaped his lips. It took Nezumi about five seconds to understand what happened, and another two for a devious smirk to cross his lips. One that hen Shion saw it he knew he was in trouble.

"Nezumi don't you dare." "Dare to do what, Your Majesty?" "Don't play innocent you jerk." "What? I can't hear you.~" Nezumi smirked, and let his hands trail down to Shion's sides and begin pressing against them. Shion let out a surprised squeak, trying to grab at Nezumi's hands to stop him, to no avail of course. Nezumi's hands continued to press and drag along his sides, while Shion bit his lips to try and contain his giggles. Which worked until Nezumi moved to his stomach, pushing up his shirt and mercilessly dragging his fingers along the smooth skin. Shion jerked up, helpless to stop the giggles that fell from his ips, his hands gripping onto Nezumi's arms. One of Nezumi's hands traveled up to his ribs, digging into the spaces between them, causing Shion's giggles to turn into full laughs, tears welling up in his eyes.

"N-nonohoho N-Nezumi-! Stohohop!" He gasped out between laughs. Nezumi just smirked and tickled both sides of his ribs, gently pushing him onto his beck for better access to the boy, straddling his hips. Shion barely noticed, his vision blurry with tears and his sides starting to ache from laughing. He bucked his hips in an attempt to throw Nezumi off, and when that didnt work he tried to push him away, which gave Nezumi space to slide his hand up to glide across his upper sides and armpit. Shion let out a squeak, his laughs becoming breathless.

"N- Nezhumi p- plhease! Stohohp!" He gasped between breathes and laughs, and after another minute or so Nezumi stopped his tickle attack. Shion still giggled while trying to catch his breath, while Nezumi wiped away the stray tears on his cheeks. After Shion had calmed down and caught his breath, minus the small hiccups of giggles still falling from his lips occasionally, he tried to glare up at Nezumi, but found it hard when Nezumi was looking at him so.. lovingly. Shion blushed slightly, and playfully hit his arm.

"you're such a jerk.." He said, though his smile giving him away. Nezumi chuckled and smiled back down at him.

"Whatever, you enjoyed it, dork." Nezumi smirked, and Shion stuck his tongue out at him. Shion hummed, and allowed Nezumi to pull him up so they sat facing each other. Their knees were touching and the flush that was still left on Shions face was adorable, Nezumi found, and leaned forward to press his forehead against Shions. Shion smiled softly and pressed back gently, closing his eyes and feeling content. they stayed like that a while, before Shion opened his eyes to look across at Nezumi. Shion's eyes met Nezumi's, of which who had a smile to match Shions.

Shion found him self leaning forward, while Nezumi did the same until their lips met, their eyes falling closed. His first thought was that Neumi's lips were soft, and he smiled against them. Nezumi gently cupped the side of Shion's face, thinking about how Shion's lips were soft and sweet. Sooner than either would have liked, they broke away, their faces staying a few inches of each other. they stayed there, simply gazing at one another, the moment not needing any words said.

Instead, they smiled and their hands found one another's, their fingers lacing together for a perfect fit. Neither are sue how  long they stayed like that, but they were later brought back by the sound of Shion's mother calling for them, announcing she had made lunch for the three of them.

Nezumi was the first to get up, pulling Shion up after him. He wrapped his arm around his waist, pressing a kiss to his lips and then his forehead. "Lets head down, hm?"

Shion blushed a bit, smiling and pressing a kiss to Nezumi's cheek. "Yeah, lets go." He slipped his hand into Nezumi's, and then they headed back downstairs to meet with Karan for lunch.

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