Warm Coffee and New Beginnings

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// I finally updated!! Thank you to everyone who commented, you're what motivated me to update! I really hope you enjoy this chapter! <3 Thank you for all you love, I love you all! //

The walk to the café wasn't very long, not that either of the pair would have minded if it were. able to enjoy the closeness of one another, their hands laced together as Shion swung them slightly. Shion couldn't keep the grin off his face, the fact that they were finally together making him feel giddy and like an excited child. He would glance at Nezumi, still in awe at how beautiful he was despite seeing him throughout most of his life. It was the same for Nezumi, the glances he snuck of Shion were nudges on how beautiful he was. He couldn't help but snicker to himself that his hair seemed to fit the season just right.

Once they had reached the café, Nezumi opened the door for them, Shion leading them inside. He said a quick greeting to a worker passing by, and tugged Nezumi along to order, his hand still firmly in his.

"Hello, I'll take a Hazelnut cappuccino. And hmm.." Shion glanced over at Nezumi, who picked up his cue.

"I'll have a Espresso Romano, please." Nezumi continued.

The worker nodded, placing their orders and telling them the amount they owed. Nezumi reached for his pocket, before Shion stopped him and handed the worker the money due. "It's uh, for kind of spilling that water on you earlier." He smiled sheepishly, which Nezumi thought was cute, and gave him a soft smile and a nod of thanks.

They settles into a booth, across from one another, and waited for their drinks to be ready. Shion nibbled on the inside of his lip, glancing to his side a moment. "So.. Have you had any tryouts lately?" He asked.

Nezumi was in the theater business, the acting aspect of it specifically, while Shion worked at his mothers bakery. He admired the work Nezumi did, knowing he most likely could never do such a feat himself. Working at the bakery was fun, getting to bake the goods, place them on display, and chat with the costumers. They were different, but they suited each perfectly.

Nezumi hummed softly, crossing his legs. "Yeah, I went to a few, but I haven't heard back yet. Hopefully in the next few days I'll get something." He replied, gazing at Shion, and the smile he was nearly enough to give one of his own.

"I hope you'll get one of them. I haven't seen your acting personally, but I've heard you're amazing." He praised, smiling.

"you're making me to seem like some celebrity, his highness is too kind." He lightly teased, a mix between a smirk and smile on his lips. "But as far as celebs go, I hear you and your mothers bakery is quite popular."

Shion laughed softly, a soft blush on his cheeks. "Shut up. But I wouldn't really say that.. It feels more like it's a pleasant place to chat and such.." He chuckled a bit. "I'm sure my mother will be excited to meet you, nd she can be a bit.. overbearing, but she means well." He smiled softly, glancing away.

Nezumi smiled, opening his mouth to say something as their order was called. He clicked his tongue. "I'll retrieve our drink, so you may sit on your comfy throne. majesty." He smirked.

Shion pouted playfully, slapping his arm. "Just go you big tease. Or perhaps I might get a new helped."

Nezumi snickered. "Please, I doubt his majesty could bear to part with me excellence, he cares too greatly for me.~"

Shion blushed, smacking his arm again. "Shut up, you know you feel the same way."

"Indeed I do." He hummed, and went to get their drinks, returning shortly and setting Shion's drink down in front of him.

"Thank you, Neumi.~" He smiled, liking the way his name rolled so easily off his tongue.

Nezumi hummed in response, sitting back down. He liked the way his name sounded when Shion said it. It felt natural.

They sat in comfortable silence, merely enjoying one another's company. Shion glanced down at his cappuccino, picking it up and blowing on it a bit before taking a sip. He closed his eyes, letting the flavor sink in, finding the drink just right for the fall. He set it down gently, and glanced at Nezumi.

"Nezumi, would you like to come over after this?" Shion asked, watching for Nezumi's reaction. In turn, Nezumi set his drink down, quickly swallowing the sip in his mouth.

"That sounds good. I'm sure your mother would also agree." He chuckled softly, while Shion blushed.

Shion laughed softly, smiling with a small blush on his cheeks. "She'll be excited. And honestly I am too.. I'm really glad we met today." He looked down at his drink, a warm smile on hip lips. Nezumi set his chin against his hand, hoping to hide his smile.

"I am too. I can already tell I'm lucky.." He added softly.

"What was that?" Shion asked, tilting his head. Nezumi blushed slightly and looked away.

"I said I its already sunny!" He grumbled, picking up his coffee and drinking more of it, leaving a slightly confused Shion looking at him.

They talked for a while more, sipping on their drinks and sharing stories and laughs. Soon enough they finished up and prepared to leave the café. Shion waved a quick goodbye, with Nezumi following him out. Shion stopped to look at Nezumi.

"Ready to go?" He asked, smiling happily.

"Mhm, lets go." He nodded, and slipped his hand into Shions, lifting his hand to kiss his hand, smirking slightly against his skin. Shion blushed, his eyes slightly wide and his face nearly as red as the birthmark across his cheek and neck.

"N- Nezumi..!" He gaped, clearly flustered by the display. Nezumi laughed and tugged Shion closer, smiling down at him. He hooked an arm around his waist, holding him close. Shion wrapped his arms around him, closing his eyes and breathing in Nezumi's scent. They stayed like that for a while, before Shion pulled away and squeezed Nezumi's hand.

They both smiled, and Shion tugged him into the direction of his house. He swung their hands, oblivious to the way Nezumi looked at him, his eyes and smile soft with love for the boy. Yes, what a great start this was to their relationship.

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