Chapter 14 - A Royal Dinner

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I ran my hands down the front of my dress as I prepared to open the door with Skylar by my side. I took a deep breathe in through my nose and exhaled slowly through my mouth. Let the games begin and may the odds be ever in my favor.

I pulled the door open and was greeted with the sight of Dalton with his parents behind him on the right and my parents on his left.

"Oh shit." I said before I could stop myself.

"Yeah that's how I feel right now." Dalton said.

"Such an extensive vocabulary you have. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" the Queen said. That statement had every one staring in her direction but she gave us no attention as she continued to look around unimpressed.

"Can we come in please?" Dalton asked and all I could do was give a nod.

The group entered into my apartment and Skylar leaped into Daltons waiting arms. Dalton and Skylar stood by the door chatting while his parents walked aimlessly around surveying every inch with my parents attempted to give them the grand tour.

"She's been missing you all week." I said coming to stand with Dalton and Skylar.

"I can tell. In the last minutes she's told me everything she's done since the last time I saw her." He said sounding exhausted as Skylar ran off to her room to retrieve her favorite doll. "I never thought of her as a ballet type of girl."

"Oh really. What would you have guess?"

"Something a bit more American like cheerleading, basketball, or gymnastics. I guess her Brit side shows in her love for ballet."

"Hey Britain does not own ballet and she can do anything she wants when she puts her mind to it."

"Well my apologies Ms. Newton I did not mean to offend." He said and we both fell into laughter. "I suppose you're wondering why your parents are here right now?"

"The thought crossed my mind."

"They caught us at the elevator. It was a respectable meeting but my mother insisted they join us and your father was happy to accept. It wouldn't surprise me if she had a plan or two up her sleeve."

"The same goes for my father. We're going to have to keep an eye on both of them."

He nodded in agreement as he stared off in their direction "You look absolutely stunning tonight." Dalton said turning his attention back to me with a smile.

"Thanks. You don't look to bad yourself."

"Thank you I bought it just for tonight. I guess it's time for introductions then?" Dalton said offering me an arm and taking Skylar's hand in his.

We stepped into my living room where our parents were having a discussion about all the famous people they had met over the years. Mom was fangirling over the Queens friendship with George Clooney while dad bragged about his chance encounter with Elvis Presley.

Dalton cleared his throat in an attempt to gather everyone's attention.  "I don't think everyone has been formally introduced. Scarlett these are my parents Dominic and Rolonda."

"Well I'm happy to finally see you Scarlett. I've heard quite a lot about you and you're just as beautiful as I imagined. Dalton you really know how to pick'em." King Dominic said pulling me in for a hug.

"Thank you your highness. I guess I should call myself lucky for having been able to meet your son." I said nervously.

"That you should. It's not every day that an ordinary girl is put into an extraordinary situation with people of our stature." Queen Rolonda said with an extended hand. It was obvious she had said it as an insult but I refused to let her get under my skin so early into the night.

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