Chapter 29 - Be Our Guest

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As Gretchen led us to the dining room I peeped around every corner searching for Skylar. I trusted James to keep her safe but still I didn't like the idea of her being away from me for too long. We still had a little time left before dinner started. Gretchen said that dinner started precisely as seven each night so that gave us just enough time to find Sky for dinner. Hopefully the thought of food would be enough to insure that she was there on time. Since being in Grace Castle we had stayed on the first floor but the family dining room was on the second floor.

We passed by the conference room and ascended the stairs. The upstairs was about the same as the first but the décor was a bit less extravagant. I assume the first floor held more antiques for the people to come and admire but that was just the hallways. I'm sure each room was like walking into a one of a kind priceless galleria. Visiting hours were over so it was quiet – which was something I wasn't use to and it creeped me out. Down the halls on both sides were large closed doors so the only place left to go was the door across from the balcony. Gretchen led us to the door and held it open for us.

In the room there were large windows on one wall showing us the bright starry night and the full moon. On each of the other walls were the twenty portraits of the past kings in golden frames. Each one held an expression that was almost exactly the same: strong and empowered. Next to the table was a fireplace with a door on each side and a large old painting at the top with a plate that read: The First King Harvard Hathaway, The Greatest that Ever Lived. I guess big egos existed back then too. On the dark oak wood dining table there was a head seat on each end and three other seats of the other sides. The head seats were large with plush cushions and armrests while the other six chairs were smaller with just one cushion. A glass vase with a bouquet of long stemmed tulips sat in the middle of the table. In front of each chair were a set of different sized plates and utensils with a cloth napkin folded like a tepee on the top of the plates.

I ran my fingers across the ivory lace tablecloth admiring the design of the white plates holding roses with intertwining vines forming a heart. I was lost in admiration when a voice I knew all too well came up behind me sending chills down my back.

"Scarlett so nice to see you again." Queen Rolonda said. She wore her sparkling gold crown and a flowing teal gown with her hands laced together in front of her. In all the fashionable clothes I saw her wear in America none could better express her royal status as this one. The dress was embroidered with black flowers all around the bottom of it. It was sleeveless showing arms that were more toned than a woman her age should have. She was more intimidating than ever before.

"Hello Your Majesty. It's nice to see you too." I said giving a curtsy and searching for Sarah out the corner of my eye. She stood with her back to us staring out the window.

"I must say your arrival here was quite a shock to me after the sudden falling out between you and Dalton." She said as if she didn't have a thing to do with that. "I know I was a bit harsh on you in the past but in light of recent evidence I have realized something." She paused for a second taking in a deep breath. "I was wrong and that is something I'm not very often. You didn't deserve the harsh words, rude looks, and blackmail I put you through. Your Skylar's mother and if I want a relationship with her I must first start with a good relationship with you. So can we start over?" Rolonda said sounding sincere.

I stared at her in shock. In all the time I'd known her I never ever thought in a thousand years I would hear these words come from Queen Rolonda's mouth. An apology for going too far maybe but one for it all. It was like watching the Grinch's heart grown ten times bigger right in front of me. I looked closely at her face trying to tell if this was a joke or reality and found no signs of insincerity.

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