When We Grow Up

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When We Grow Up

 When we were little,

People always asked us,

What we wanted to be,

When we were old enough,

Even though it seemed ages away,

We had it all planned out,

We would be the impossible,

Like a fairy,

We would shout,

Or a princess,

In a castle,

Depending on the day,

Our tiny little minds,

Coming up with yet another cliché,

They would laugh,

Tell us we're sweet,

Think it was cute,

Or think nothing of it,

But now that we're older,

They tell us we need to decide,

They want the answers,

And we can no longer hide,

They give us a list of options,

Tell us to follow our heart,

As we chose what we want to be,

And how we will leave our mark,

But how do we know what we want,

When we're still only children,

Though our choices more realistic,

Are they still out of reach?

This time it's actors,

Or rappers,

Even agents of the FBI,

We want to be famous,

But are we aiming to high?

We try our best,

But we can never decide,

Because at first we have to find,

Who we are,

Deep inside,

And who else would know better,

Than us ourselves,

But we need more time,

A luxury so divine,

So we stare at this piece of paper,

A map of our lives,

Left empty,

For us to provide,

The different paths,

To plot the points,

To choose the beginning,

And it's ending,

To find a way out,

If we ever should need it,

A back-up plan,

If all else fails,

We need to be sure,

We need to be ready,

To face the world,

Without forgetting,

The choices we're making, 

This moment in time,

The paths to our dreams,

That seem too hard to climb,

Because now that you've asked us,

And we've set goals oh so high,

We aren't going to stop,

Until we reach the sky,

So we'll find a way,

With a little help from our friends,

And we won't stop believing,

Until we reach the end,

And when we're older,

We'll look back at this time,

We'll remember our dreams,

And the paths we had to climb.

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