[Chapter Three]

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Freya, noticing no one was getting up from the table; got up and approached the door and opened it to reveal another Dwarf. She starred at the stranger on her cousin's door step, not moving for him to walk in, they both looked at each other in uncomfortable silence. " Thorin Oakenshield, at your service." The Dwarf finally spoke, breaking the silence between them.

" Freya Brandybuck , at yours." The Hobbit choked out, as she felt awkward standing there starring. He gave her a shy smile.

"Brandybuck? This isn't the home of a Baggins?" Thorin questioned, a little annoyed that he had come to the wrong house, or least that's what he thought until a shadow approached behind her, and the Dwarf sighed in relief. " Gandalf. I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice. Wouldn't have found it at all had it not been for that mark on the door." Thorin stated. Freya had moved out of the way for there new guest and he came in, removing his cloak and folding it up. The Hobbit woman eyed this Dwarf curiously, he seemed different then from the rest of these Dwarves that had shown up in Bilbo's home. As Bilbo came into the center of the circle with his cousin, Gandalf and their newest arrival.

" Mark? There's no mark on that door. It was painted a week ago!" Bilbo informed the wizard.

" There is a mark; I put it there myself. Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield." The wizard stated as the Dwarf approached the Hobbit.

" So, this is the Hobbit. Tell me, Mr.Baggins, have you done much fighting.?" Thorin questioned and Freya's eyes widen at this strange question. The Dwarf began to circle him, making him more uncomfortable as he gave the wizard a look and then turned back to the leader.

" Pardon me?" Bilbo finally choked out.

" Axe or sword? what's your weapon of choice?" Thorin pressed, clearly ignoring the Hobbit's startled expression he was wearing. Freya was just as shocked, what kind of Hobbit did these Dwarves think her cousin was.

"Will, I have some skill at Conkers, if you must know, but I fail to see why that's relevant." Bilbo stated. Freya couldn't hold it in anymore as she burst out laughing at her cousin's silly answer. The wizard, the leader and Bilbo as did the rest looked at her strangely as she had been so silent since the arrival of Thorin.

" I'm sorry, it's just who told you my cousin had skills at wheeling an axe or sword?" Freya asked, trying to stop giggling. Thorin shot a look at the wizard, clearly having missed this little bit of knowledge from him. As the woman let out another giggle, Thorin gave her funny look and found her laughter amusing as he sighed, forgetting his thoughts and spoke calmly.

" Thought as much. He looks more like a grocer than a burglar. " Thorin said as the Dwarves laughed and they walk back to the dining table. The wizard finally let out a breath, as if he had been holding it this entire time since Thorin arrived and began to question the Hobbit's ability. Bilbo looked at his cousin.

" What was that about?" Bilbo snarled, clearly upset with her. She shrugged and shot her annoyed cousin a smile.

" I'm sorry Bilbo, it just came out. You could have just said 'no' you have no experience with weapons, it would have been better than your skills at 'Conkers' remark " Freya explained. The wizard rolled his eyes at the two cousins and ducked under the doorway to join the others. Bilbo furrowed his brows.

" You know nothing about fighting either." Bilbo shot back, clearly having a point.

" He didn't ask me, if I knew how to fight. Their more interested in you." The woman pointed out, which left the Hobbit wearing a blank expression.

" Me? I am not that interesting, I assure you." Bilbo stated as Freya rolled her eyes and skipped over into the dining room, interested in what they were discussing. Balin had asked Thorin a question about how his meeting had went with their kin. He opened his mouth to say only to shut it again when the Hobbit girl came into the room, making the others glance at her as to how she had disrupted there leader.

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