[Chapter Fifty]

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It's only been a few days since their King had an outburst in the throne room. Thorin had ordered that no one interrupted him unless it concerned the were about's of the Arkenstone. Freya even found she could no longer get through to him. And just like the others she was told not to bother him.The woman was wandering the halls, hearing the words Balin had said in the study. If finding the Arkenstone wasn't going to ease his madness then what was?

Freya was now in the treasure room.She stood at the very edge of the platform starring at the gold. The hobbit was in deep thought, how could she let this happen. How could she not have seen what the Arkenstone was doing to him, like her cousin had? She ran a hand through her hair when she heard the commotion just outside the entrance. " To the gate. Now!" Thorin's voice echoed. Thorin walked passed the entrance of the treasure room, not even seeing Freya standing their. Not much time passed when she heard the others making hast down the hall - including her cousin.

" Bilbo. What's going on?" Freya asked as she stepped out of the room and joined the others in the hall.

" Survivors of Lake-town are swarming into Dale." Dwalin informed as he came walking by. " Come on lass, you should join us at the gate as well." Freya followed the dwarves and her cousin down the hall and soon they were standing in front of the wall, where the dragon had smashed his way out of when he went to terrorize Lake-town. The sun was starting to set behind the mountains. Thorin starred at the ruin city and suddenly had a thought cross his mind.

These people were here for his gold. His home was unprotected, the gold was there for anyone to steal in the middle of the night. Thorin turned around to face his company. "We have work to do."

Thorin, instructed the dwarves to take the broken chunks of stone to rebuild the gate that once stood so mighty. Once the light had faded some of the dwarves lit torches in the middle of the room so they could see what they were doing. Some of the dwarves had to break the stone into small pieces just so they would fit perfectly. Thorin had vanished for hours after he gave that order. The company had already gotten a good start on it. Freya and Bilbo were helping Kili who was pulling a barrel and the hobbits were pushing it from behind. " I want this fortress made safe by sunup. This mountain was hard-won. I will not see it taken again." Thorin pressed. Hearing this Kili let go of the barrel, making Freya and Bilbo jump out of the way, as it hit the ground.

"The people of Lake-town have nothing. They came to us in need. They have lost everything." Kili pressed remembering they were the reason the Lake had burned.

"Do not tell me what they have lost. I know well enough their hardship." The King stated. "Those who have lived through dragon fire should rejoice. They have much to be grateful for." The dwarf said as he starred off at the ruin city that was now lit with dozens of fires. The woman just looked at Thorin. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

" Freya? Are you alright lass?" Balin asked as he came up beside her.

" Yeah...I'm fine." She muttered, and left the area.

" Freya." Bilbo called out for her but the woman just kept going. The others continued to add more stone to the gate.

" More stone!" Thorin demanded as he reached down to pick up a chunk and tossed it to Nori. " Bring more stone to the gate!" And with that Thorin left and headed down the great hall while the others continued to build the wall and not rest until the wall was made safe. Freya was heading down the hall to the room she slept in. She didn't make it that much further when she started to feel slightly dizzy. She braced herself against the wall. The hobbit rested their for a few seconds until she felt the sensation wear off and she kept going only getting a few more steps and she collapsed to the ground.

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