[Chapter Forty Six]

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It was the next morning. The sun was shinning through the cracks in the mountain wall. The young woman stretched her arms and rubbed her eyes, to see everyone was already gone. She looked up to see her cousin walking towards her with some food. " Morning Bilbo." Freya greeted with a smile.

"Good morning Freya, did you sleep well last night?" Bilbo asked as he sat down beside her, offering her a piece of bun off the plate and she took it and began to nibble at it.

" I slept alright....better then I have in a long time anyways." She mumbled at him. Bilbo glanced beside him at his cousin.

"You're still having the nightmares aren't you?"

"Their not as consistent now." Freya stated, not wanting her cousin to be worried about her. They had more important matters to deal with. Like why hadn't Thorin sent out a few of the dwarves to find out if Fili, Kili, Bofur and Oin had survived? He showed no concerns for his only heirs that were still missing or his fellow members. Freya finished her piece of bread and went with her cousin towards the treasure room. The two of them had been reluctant to look for the stone with the others, but the woman wondered, maybe if they found the jewel, the kings mind would be at ease and he could concentrate on more important things.

The two hobbit's climbed over the mounds of gold, joining the others. Freya was on top of a pile of gems, scanning the whole area and her only thoughts were 'how were they supposed to find the Arkenstone amongst all this treasure. The morning dragged on, as the dwarves continued to search endlessly in different sections of the treasure room. The two hobbit's worked in the same area together, looking for the king's jewel. Bilbo was keeping an eye on his little cousin, she looked so tired this morning when he brought her something to eat, he knew she was lying about how bad her nightmares were that kept her awake most nights and he didn't know how to help her.

" Lass, take it easy." Dwalin insisted as he watched the woman trying to yank a golden goblet that was stuck in the mounds and it took everything in her to get it out and when she did, the hobbit nearly fell over. "Why don't you go take a break. This is no work for a young woman." Dwalin stated.

" I want to help Dwalin, it's the least I can do." Freya muttered as she glanced around seeing the rest of them hard at work. Thorin was on a nearby platform, pacing back and forth wondering where the stone could be.

" At least take a break, get something to eat. You've been searching for hours lass and this work your not use too." He pressed. Freya finally nodded, it was clear the dwarf wasn't going to stop nagging her and when she thought about it. She was tired from searching for hours through all this treasure and it would give her a chance to adventure through the mountain, to see more of it.

Freya left the treasure room, unaware that she had been followed. It was nice to get away from that room. She followed down the hall, that led into the city. On either side of the of the hall were stores. Some had been damaged severely from the beast and others had managed to stay intact. Freya went to the first window of the row of stores and saw all the beautiful jewelry that was covered in dust from years of siting there. She walked up to the next window of a different store, seeing all the elegant dress, that were still displayed. "See anything you like?" The hobbit jumped at the sound of his voice and she turned around. A little startled that she hadn't heard him coming down the hall. Dwarves were not known for being quiet.

" Thorin. You scared me." She admitted as he came and stood beside her.

" I'm sorry, it wasn't my intentions to scare you Freya." He stated, while tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. The two of them stood there in a comfortable silence starring into each others eyes. Thorin caressed her soft cheek with his fingers, and he pulled her towards him kissing the top of her lip. The hobbit tugged on his clothing pulling him closer to her and the two of finally had to surrender to need for air. He smiled at her and held out his hand for her to take it. "Come with me." He said softly. She took his hand and to her surprise he led her into the store that was filled with dresses. "Well what are you waiting for, pick one." He urged her.

" Oh no I couldn't. They are way to fancy for me to wear." She stated.

" Freya I insist." The woman stepped forward, she didn't even know which one she wanted to try on first. Thorin was looking too, when he found that he was curious to see how it looked on her. "Here, I think you should try this one." Thorin said as he handed her a dark blue dress. She took the dress and went in the back to change while Thorin waited patiently for her to come out.

The hobbit came out from the back moment's later. And Thorin was taking by how different she looked to him from a dress she had worn in Lake-town that was made by the race of men as to the dress she wore now that was made by his own kin. The dress made her look dwarven. If she were to braid her hair, like his people do, he probably wouldn't even recognize her as a hobbit. " You look beautiful." He managed to get out. The hobbitfelt her cheeks start to heat up from the compliment.

"Thank you. It's much more elegant then the dresses I'm used to wearing back in the Shire." She admitted.

" It suites you." He declared. The dwarf took her hand led her out of the store and they were back in the hall. He looked up and saw through the cracks in the wall that the sun was going down already. He was sure Bombur would be preparing supper soon. It never occurred to him, how hungry he was. He had been so busy trying to find the Arkenstone, he never noticed it until now. The two of them wandered back to the room the company would feast in. Thorin allowed the woman to go in before him and he followed behind her. Bombur had just finished preparing hot stew. Thorin got two bowls and brought one over the woman and the two of them began eating.

Balin found it surprising to see the leader had join the rest of them and eating as well. But it didn't take him long to see what had brought him away from the treasure horde. The elder dwarf was relieved to see that their was still something that had a stronger pull on their kings mind then his desire for the stone that still hadn't been found and he was glad for that.

After everyone had eaten Thorin had disappeared back into the treasure room, much to Freya's dismay. She rather enjoyed her time alone with him, the king had been so busy trying to find the stone these last few days she had been growing worried about him. The woman got up and went for a walk, knowing she wouldn't be getting much sleep anyways. The sun had already gone down and the moon was rising into the sky. The hobbit stood by a ledge and starred off into the distance, feeling a chill go through her as the wind blew passed her.

Moment's later someone came right up behind her and wrapped arms around her. She instantly knew who it was and she smiled to herself, holding his arms. The dwarf kissed her softly on the side of her neck. "What are doing way over here, on this side of the kingdom? You should be in the great hall where it's warmer, where everyone else is." Thorin said whispering by her ear.

"I...needed to get some air...I couldn't sleep." She admitted, letting out a sigh. Thorin still held her close to him and he already had a good idea why she wasn't sleeping.

" You're still having nightmares aren't you?" Thorin finally asked and she turned around to look at him.

"I'm used to them." She muttered, looking down at the ground, shaking her head when she felt his finger lift her chin.

"Freya I promise you. He can't hurt you. As long as your here; you're safe." He stated, looking into her eyes. The hobbit held her breath as the dwarf slowly leaned forward and claimed her lips. His hand fell to her lower back, pulling her closer to him as he deepened the kiss. Thorin pulled away and he took her hand and lead her down the hall. The king lead her into a room and before she knew it he had her pressed up against the door, starring into her eyes with a fiery passion and he locked the door.  

Hope and Memory[Thorin Oakenshield Love Story]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ