[Chapter Sixteen]

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As the company fell into the chute, they slide through the tunnel at a rapid speed, unable to grab a hold of anything to slow themselves down, they all yell out screams throughout the terrible fall as the tunnel came to an end and they suddenly drop through a hole one by one landing in a giant wooden cage. They all grunt from the hard landing. Freya landed on top of Bombur and fell over to the ground and let out a scream when she heard heavy footsteps coming towards them as the dwarves struggled to get up. " Look out!" Voices from the company cried out as they saw the fast approaching goblins coming at them.

The goblins charge at them, attacking them, climbing all over them; disarming them all in seconds One of the goblins yanked the woman up from the ground, that had managed to spot her in the bunched up dwarves and started dragging her away from the others.

" Let me go!" Freya screamed as she looked behind her to see some of the others being dragged the same direction she was being taking.

" Get back!" Dwalin shouted as he smashed his fist into a goblins face. As he tried to fight his way, like the others but with out their weapons and they were outnumbered by a lot and they all started being pushed and dragged along the bridge, but that didn't stop them from kicking and yelling as they were guided through the tunnels.

The dwarves and the woman felt like they had been dragged along the wooden bridge for hours in the darkness with only the light of the torches as the goblin horde bring their prisoners through a vast network of tunnels. They soon see light up ahead. The hobbit looked around the area and saw it was covered in goblins watching their comrades push the struggling dwarves. How were they supposed to get of this place. There was way more goblins than them and without their weapons, there was no way.

Freya was right behind Bifur when he suddenly turned around and through his fist at one of the goblins that had a hold of him, making the creature fall back into the hobbit when a sudden horn blows, causing the dwarves and the woman to cover their ears from the agonizing sound. As various instruments play, echoing in the tunnels lacking harmony that music was supposed to bring to ones ears. As Freya and the dwarves got closer they could hear a raspy voice singing, from the platform that they were being pushed towards.

" Clap snap the black crack!

Grip grab pinch and nab!

Batter and beat!

Make them stammer and squeak!

Pound, pound far under grounddddd...

Down, down, down in Goblin Town..."

As they gathered on the platform. The woman laid eyes on the thing that was singing this terrible tune. It was the biggest goblin she had ever seen. He was bloated, covered in warts, lumps and scares and had a large staff that was decorated with an animal skull, closely resembling a ram, adorned with shrunken heads. Freya could smell the stench that came from him had to cover her mouth.

" down, down, down in Goblin Town..." The goblins began to chime in on their masters song around them as the goblins on the platform pushed the dwarves closer to the giant goblin.

" With a swish and a smack and a whip and a crack!

Everybody talks when they're on my rack!

Pound, pound far under ground...

Down, down, down to Goblin Town..."

The giant goblin continued to sing and even started dancing to his words he thought were so memorable. The dwarves looked at this in disgust. Thorin was right behind the woman and heard the fear in her voice when she saw this thing. " Oh, my...." Freya began when the prince placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to keep her calm that everything was going to be alright, but he even had doubts about that.

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