2 | Do You Believe Me Now?

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My Economics class just got finished and I'm on my way to the school parking lot to wait for Jace to pick me up. I already told my art professor I won't make it tonight and he said that it was okay. I was actually hoping for him to say no so that I will be able to have an excuse to not go with Jace's plans tonight. But my life is like a bitch so this happened.

"Kei!" I heard a female voice shout from behind.

I turned around to see my only three friends here in my university. I greeted them all with a smile and a wave.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Kei! Will you go shopping with me? Please? These two jerks don't want to go with me!" Summer asked. She's the only girl in our little circle of friends. The two jerks she's referring were actually her brothers, Autumn and Winter. I know, they got seasons for names. Hurray for that. And by the way, the three of them are triplets. Amazing, right?

"Shut your mouth, Summer. If you weren't such a heavy shopper we would have come with you." Autumn said loudly. He's the oldest sibling and acts a bit wild and free sometimes. But he's a good listener.

"Yeah. What he said." Winter mumbled. He's what people call the type of person who has a massive brother complex. He loves Autumn so much and never gets shy of proving it to other people. Most students in our school often interprets their relationship with each other as incest. However, that's not true at all. It's just excessive brotherly love, as what Summer repeatedly explained. Between the three of them, Summer is the only sibling who is distant with them. Sure she loves Autumn and Winter, but she doesn't get along well them because she's the only girl.

"I hate to say this, but I can't go with you." I said to Summer.

She pouted. "Eh, why not?"

Should I tell them? Nah, better get it over with.

"Um, yeah. Jace is taking me out tonight."

The three of them went silent. I fidgeted and waited for them to go all crazy on me. Three... two... one.

"Holy shit!"

I knew it. Since I told them the news of me married to Jace Langlois, they got crazy and told me I'm not the type pf guy to do something like that. They assumed I'm not the 'commitment type' of guy. After all, I haven't even been in a relationship with anyone until Jace came into my life. Until now, they still don't believe me being married to the Jace Langlois himself. Of course, it didn't surprise me they already know who my husband is. I mean, who wouldn't? He's like the goddamn second-in-command of Bill Gates. He's that rich.

"I still won't believe you're married to Mr. Langlois. Not until I see you two together!" Autumn exclaimed.

Winter nodded in agreement. He always does.

"Why would I prove anything to you? It's not a big deal anyway." I muttered, glancing at my watch. He should be here soon.

Summer scowled. "Not a big deal? It's a huge deal, Kei! We're talking about the richest guy in the whole world!"

I rolled my eyes. Now she's exaggerating things. What a drama queen.

"Guys, just stop it. If you don't want to believe me, then don't. I don't care anyway. I've been telling you this for almost a year now."

Then suddenly, Jace's car stopped in front of us. My jaw dropped. Could this day get any worse?

Jace casually got off his sleek Maserati car and took off his sunglasses. He looked at me then to my friends. They were speechless and probably paralyzed for a bit. I told them I'm not kidding about Jace and I. Now look at them. Their faces are priceless. I wish I brought my camera with me. Summer recovered first.

"Y-you're Mr. Jace... Langlois?" She stuttered.

Jace put on his most charming smile, showing off that pearl teeth of his. I thought so. Only I know how he acts in public and around people. He's the most two-faced man I've ever met in my life. He acts all goody two-shoes around public but if it's just the two of us, he acts like the devil.

"Call me Jace, mademoiselle."

Summer blushed fifty shades of red. Winter and Autumn finally recovered from their temporary coma-mode and glared at my husband.

"Is it true Kei married you?" Autumn said sternly. He can act tough around Jace but it's no use. Jace Langlois always wins.

Jace chuckled lowly. "No. It's the other way around. I married him."

Winter's eyes widened in disbelief. Summer was still blushing and kept staring at Jace, who completely ignored her. Autumn choked on his own spit and lightly punched his chest. Winter looked at him in concern, to which he only smiled.

I sighed. This is not going well for me. Damn it. It's all Jace's fault. He shouldn't have come here to pick me up.

"Kei, we'll be late. Let's go." Jace said, getting his car keys from his jacket's pocket.

"Y-yeah... um, I'll see you tomorrow guys." I said.

Summer grabbed me all of a sudden, pulling me into a stop. Here we go again.


"Yes?" I asked, uninterested.

She looked at me intensely. "Can I have his number?"

This time, I choked on my spit. Autumn snickered. "W-what?!"

"Oh come on! You didn't tell me he's even more handsome in person! I always just see him in magazines and television." Summer said loudly.

I covered her mouth. Ew, lipstick. "Shh! He'll hear you!"

Autumn smacked me on the back, hard. "You are one lucky man, Kei."

I stepped away from them. "Do you believe me now?"

They nodded.

"Kei! Hurry up!" Jace shouted from his car.

I bid goodbye to my friends and hopped inside Jace's car. Then he drove off. The car ride was silent until Jace spoke up.

"You didn't tell your friends about us?" He asked. Whoa, is he mad?

"I keep telling them, but they don't believe me. Well, now they do." I explained to him.

He hummed. I glanced at him. What is he thinking? I can't tell if he's mad or something. Why would he be mad anyway? It's not like our marriage needs to be announced in public, righf? Ah, that reminds me. Our marriage was kept secret from the outside because of privacy reasons. I hope those triplets don't spread the news around the university, or else I'm really gonna get in trouble.

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