9 | Glass Marble

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I sluggishly picked up the TV remote from the table with my right foot. After a few minutes of failed attempts, I gave up and just stared at the ceiling of the triplets' apartment.

Today is Monday. I'm all alone with nothing to do. The triplets all went to college early this morning because they have classes to go to. As for me, I skipped. My first class have already started twenty minutes ago but I didn't care. I'm too lazy and tired to even attend college. I'm also not ready to face nosy students who don't have anything else to do but disturbing other people's privacy. Summer was reluctant to leave me alone, but thanks to Autumn's 'speech' about failing grades and living life on the streets, Summer finally left with them. But not before giving me the typical words a mom says to her kids before heading outside.

"Lock the door, Kei."

"Don't answer any phone calls."

"If there's a knock on the door, don't open it. Ever."

"Kei, are you gonna be okay here alone?"

"Kei, call 911 if there's an emergency! Or better yet... call me!"

I just nodded to it all without bothering to listen to her. At first, I felt bad, but it's just really annoying. And I hate annoying people.

My stomach rumbled. I sighed and crawled my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and couldn't help but groan in disappointment. The only stuff in the fridge is just a jar of pickles and an expired milk. I grimaced in disgust. I just remembered that those three siblings eats only fastfood and never bothers to buy groceries.

I slammed the fridge closed, then padded back to the living room. I debated whether to just order myself a box of pizza, but decided against it. I'm really not in the mood for pizza today.

Knock, knock!

I flinched. Someone's knocking on the door.

I slowly walked to the door, careful of my steps on the wooden floor. I peeked at the peephole and released a breath of relief when I saw that it's just a delivery man. I opened the door.

"Delivery for Mr. Forest!" The delivery man said.

I can almost feel myself pale at what he said. It... it can't be! He found me?!

"Please sign here!" The delivery man's voice snapped me back from my anxious stupor.

I blinked and shakily signed my name on the clipboard the delivery man was holding. After that, he gave me a small box then left. I closed the door and just stared at the box in my hands.

"W-what is... this?"

I looked for a card, or any handwriting, but I found none. It couldn't be from him. It's impossible. He can't find me here. He just can't! But then, why? How?

I gulped, while slowly opening the small box. There were tissue papers around so I threw them away. Once all the tissue papers are gone, I saw a small green and blue glass marble. I carefully picked it and observed it very closely.

A marble? Why would he give me a damn marble? This doesn't make sense at all. What's a marble for anyway?

I was about to throw it away when I stepped on one of the tissue papers. I noticed a particular one with ink on it. I hurriedly picked it up, and realized it was a separate letter. I unfolded it and read the words written on it with a blue inked pen.

"To my beloved son, Kei Forest. This marble may be just a small useless object for you, but always remember that not all objects are necessarily big to make a person happy. Your father and I want this special marble to be kept in your hands so that you will remember us by. Have you noticed the colors in the marble, son? It's the color of mine and your father's eyes, the marble helps you reminisce us. Just remember, no matter how much someone gives you a hard time, just look into their eyes... and you'll see their true colors. Don't run away, son. Never forget that. With love, Mom."

I sucked in a shaky breath after reading the note. So, it was just a gift from my parents before they died. The lawyer probably sent this to me. I thought it's from Jace.

I sighed in relief. I though he actually already found me. Because if that happens, I wouldn't know what to do. Well, now that I read my mother's letter, I now know that running away is not the solution to my problems.

"Look into their eyes and you'll see their true colors."

I scoffed to myself. True colors... yeah right. I already know a long time ago that Jace had already shown his true colors, and they aren't as good as what my parents believed. Jace is just pure evil. Nothing else.

He never cares for anyone. He just cares for himself. He's selfish, cruel, inconsiderate, overbearing... I could go on and on and still words aren't enough to describe his shitty personality. No matter how the words of my dead mother somehow triggered something inside me, Jace's bad qualities just took over and made me forget everything rational.

So with that thought, I placed the glass marble on top of the coffee table and just tried to forget everything that happened. Jace isn't here. The triplets aren't here. I'm all by myself. So why not entertain myself?

I couldn't care less about anything. Jace can be the devil all he wants and muddles my mind, but I won't let him affect me. I won't let him destroy my life. I'm gonna go outside, face the world, and just enjoy life without fucking Jace Langlois.

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