6 | Personal Maid

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It's already Saturday. I still didn't tell Jace what's been bugging me every night since the that rainy day he picked me up from college. I've been feeling like shit and got heavy bags under my eyes. I'm always feeling anxious and nervous, even though I still don't plan to tell him about it. Also, it seems like he didn't even notice my shitty form because of his work. All kinds of paperwork have been flooding in the house from his office. I asked him once about it but he got pissed and locked himself in his study. Jerk.

I'm currently cooking sausages coated with caviar. As usual... ew.

How could someone eat that disgusting piece of... whatever.

Anyway, after I cooked the sausages I poured hot coffee on Jace's mug. I put them together on a silver tray then walked myself to his study. I hesitantly knocked on the door.

Knock, knock.

No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. I got annoyed so I kicked the door with my foot.

"Hey! Open the goddamn door! My hands are full!" I shouted.

A few seconds later and the door opened, with an angry-looking Jace behind it.

"What?" He growled.

I raised an eyebrow. "No need to put your panties up in a bunch, idiot. I brought your breakfast. I assumed you don't want to leave your paperwork behind."

He looked at me strangely before fully opening the door for me. I entered the room and looked around. Honestly, this is only my second time being in his study. The first time was when we talked about my inheritance with a lawyer. I don't exactly know the reason, but Jace doesn't want anyone to enter his study. And I mean, no one. Not even me, his husband.

Jace pointed to his desk. "Just put it there."

I blinked. "Put what there?"

He scowled impatiently. "Le petit déjeuner! Don't act stupid and just leave! Jes suis fatigué..."

I stayed quiet and let him rant angrily in French. I didn't understand a thing he said and I don't really care. Besides, I know he's just acting this way because he's been really busy and his temper went through the roof.

As he ranted on, I thought about our marriage. I decided that I won't tell him until he gets calm and doesn't have any work to do. Yeah, I'll do that.

I heard Jace taking a deep breath before flopping down on his chair. He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

"Soooo... can I go outside now?" I asked him while slowly taking steps backwards.

He put his elbows on the desk and leaned on them. I had to admit, no matter how much I hate this man, I still have an unhealthy attraction to him. His hair is a sexy mess and his clothes are crumpled.

Jace sighed. "Yeah."

I was about to open the door when I heard a loud thud. I turned around and gasped.

Jace fainted.


I carefully put a wet cloth on Jace's forehead. Unfortunately, the reason why he fainted a while back was due to overwork and fatigue. I was also pissed to know that all this time I brought his meals for him, he didn't eat every single one of them. Not even one bite. I was slightly shocked to find out about what he's been doing to make him unwell like this. Most of the paperworks on his desk were definitely from his office.

After I put Jace on our king-sized bed, which was a very difficult feat considering his weight, I called his secretary and politely told her to stop giving Jace anymore tasks for now. Well, until he gets better and well again. Of course, his secretary immediately agreed and confirmed it for me.

I sat on the side of the bed and observed Jace's sleeping form. He looks so innocent and angelic when he's sleeping. Too bad he turns into a merciless devil every time he wakes up.

I sighed. I'm unexpectedly having a hard time with this. How will I explain to him that I want to break off our marriage? I know for a fact that he will not understand it at first and will demand for my explanation. Which, of course, I'm having trouble coming up with. Yet, why would he get mad?

He's not in love with me.

I'm not in love with him.

The feelings between us are mutual. Our marriage is purely for convenience and for each other's benefits. As much as I'm embarassed to admit it, but our marriage still hasn't been consummated.

Yes, you read it right. I. Am. A. Virgin.


I snapped back from my stupor and faced Jace. His face is sweating badly and taking slow deep breaths. I leaned back to grab the glass of water on the bedside table then carefully gave it to him. He slowly sat up and leaned his back to the headboard. He took the glass from my grip then took quick, huge gulps of water.

"How long have I been out?" He asked hoarsely. And goddamn, did it sound so sexy.

I looked at the small digital clock on the bedside table. "For about five hours."

"Fuck." He abruptly kicked away the duvet away from him and got off the bed. He stretched for a little bit, showing off that oh-so-sexy toned muscles of his behind his white shirt.

"Where are you going? You're supposed to rest for the day." I said, standing up.

He ran his fingers through his bed hair. "Work."

I grinned smugly. "Well, you'll have to thank me for that. I called your secretary to stop giving you more paperworks."

He stopped moving for a second before recovering. "And why would I thank you?"

My jaw dropped. "Seriously?"

He turned to face me and gave me a smirk.

"You douchebag!" I yelled angrily.

I can't believe this man! After what I've done for him, he doesn't thank me? He really is a devil.

"Oh, by the way. I'm hungry. Cook me something."

I clenched my fists so hard that my knuckles are turning white.

"What do you want?" I gritted my teeth.

He paused as if thinking about it before shrugging. "Les rognons de veaux."

My eyes widened and my shoulders slumped in horror. Of all the food, why must be that horrid stuff?

"Are you insane? That's veal kidney, stupid! I hate those!" I exclaimed.

"Why are you reacting like that? You're not the one who's gonna eat it." He said casually.

I got speechless. He does have a point. But still...

"I'm the one who's cooking it! Obviously, I'm gonna smell it and do things with it and it's really disgusting as fuck!"

He walked to the door then opened it wide. But before he went outside, he said something to me that will make him regret ever saying it.

"You're my personal maid for today until I get better."

Life Sucks If You're Married To A BillionaireWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu