12 | Bathroom Encounter

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Nothing in this world can make me not regret ever going with my high school friend, Ryan, to his interview. The worse part? The person who will initiate the interview will be none other than Jace. Sure, I doubted that Jace and I will see each other and chances of meeting him again in the same building were pretty slim, but there's a tiny part in me that told me to watch out and keep my guard up. Jace Langlois is as cunning and sly as a fox. A hella wealthy fox at that.

"You know, I think that our roles here are reversed. Why are you the one who's nervous instead of me?" Ryan suddenly said to my ear.

I didn't face him and just looked down at the floor. Ooh, shiny.

Ryan and I were currently sitting on one of the waiting benches in the building's main lobby. To tell the truth, this is my very first time seeing and being inside the workplace of Jace Langlois. His building is so fucking tall, and just the main lobby could make people doubt their lives. From what I've noticed from outside a while ago, this building probably had 30-40 floors or so. Give or take a few floors, I think.

Ryan nudged me softly. "Hey, don't worry. You don't have to be here with me. You can go home if you want. I'll be fine by myself."

I frowned stubbornly. "No, I made a promise and I'm gonna keep it. For your sake."

Despite the utter concern in his eyes, Ryan managed to grin at me in gratitude. I forced a smile then looked around the main lobby. There were three receptionists behind the reception counter, just a few feet from where Ryan and I sat. They're both busy talking endlessly on telephones and typing rapidly on the computer keyboards. They looked busy.

"Mr. Roberts?" A female voice called our attention.

Ryan and I looked up at the same time to face a very professional-looking woman who was probably in her mid-forties. She looked beautiful, elegant even.

"You are Mr. Ryan Roberts, am I correct?" She asked.

Ryan stood up and wiped his sweaty palms behind his jeans pockets. "Yeah- I mean, yes. Yes, I am."

I mentally laughed at his stuttering voice. He's totally nervous about the interview.

The beautiful lady stretched out her hand for Ryan to shake hands with. "I am Diana Morris, Mr. Langlois' secretary. I'm here to escort you to his office for the interview."

Ryan nodded. "I'm Ryan Roberts. Pleasure to meet you."

Diana was about to lead Ryan away when she noticed me. I gulped. Oh no, does she know who I am?

"And you are?" Diana asked curiously.

I was about to answer when the loud sound of a phone ringing blared out, causing Diana to take out a phone from her purse and me to sigh in relief. Whew, that was close.

Diana pressed the phone to her ear. "Yes, Sir... Yes, he's with me right now... We're on our way."

Hearing the word 'Sir' caused me to have goosebumps. She must be talking to Jace on the phone.

After the phone call ended, Diana smiled and gestured for Ryan to follow her. But before he did that, he faced me and smiled apologetically.

"Hey, do you mind if I leave you here for a bit?"

I nodded. "I don't mind at all. Goodluck on your interview."

Then, he was off with Diana leading the way. I looked around again then decided to go wait outside. However, my bladder suddenly felt like it's about to explode so I went to the nearest bathroom first, which luckily for me, was located only across the elevator where Ryan and Diana had gotten inside.

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