Chapter 7

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"Enough with the chat. I want to know where Luke is. He should've driven me home. Does he has class or something, that he doesn't want me to wait and ask you to pick me up instead? Or what?"

Toby's still not answering. He tried to drown himself to his coffee. But hey, I've lived long enough in this world to tell if people covered up secrets from me.

"Toby!" I scolded. "Stop it."

"Luke's gone." He held his breath.

"W-what did you just say? Sorry?"

"Luke's leaving. Earlier this morning. He's gone."

"Hahaha." I tilted my head back, laughed. "That's super funny. Let's go to his house I want to slap his beautiful face."


I kept walking to the carpark. Toby's been friends with Luke for too long I guess, that he almost sounded like him.

"Hanna! You're not listening to me." Toby gripped my arm.

"Wait..." I stepped backward. "Holy shit. You're lying Toby!"

"I wish. I wish I did, you have no idea. To be the one to impart you this is the worst thing I should ever done in my life. I'm so sorry... He took the first flight after he drove you to school."

"DON'T! Stop lying to me! He's walking into his class with me! We only split ways but he's in his class!"

"I don't know what's even more ridiculous than this. He didn't have class. Luke took a detour only to make sure you're in your class. Hanna, I was-"

"Go away."

I ran away from the parking lot. Away from Toby. I didn't know where I should head to but I just couldn't handle this. Dammit, Luke. You ruined my life. He should've just come clear last night that he needed to leave first thing this morning, instead of being all ready and happy to drive me to school like today's just another boring weekend class. He didn't even say a proper goodbye. I wanted to seriously slap him in the face so that he knew it sucks. I couldn't catch my own breath and it sucks.

"I somewhat know I'm gonna find you here."

Toby again. A mark for his effort, but I didn't need that now.

"I told you to go away."

"I can't. Luke asked me to take care of you."

"I don't need you to. Go back to Orlando whatever I don't care. Thank you for being such a good coffee time company but I don't want you to be here."

"Okay." He softly replied. "I'll be sitting here, about ten feet behind you."

I've lost too many power to argue Toby, so whatever he wanted to do, I let him. He literally sat on a park bench not too far from me, as I chose to sit on the ground where Luke and I spent our time last night. Surprise, how I ended up here, considering it's pretty far from that Starbucks store.

"Don't bother keeping me safe Tobs. I know you're leaving too, anyway."

"I don't break promises. My mom told me to never do that." He gently approached me and sat next to me because I didn't disallow him anymore. "Luke gave me this to give you."

I stole a glance. An envelope. Typical Luke. When we're younger, Luke had trouble of telling people what he actually felt. So his mom liked to ask him to just write it down. I remember when he first told me he liked this girl when we're on the 3rd grade, I helped him making a love letter. Though he's now getting much better, some old things never changed.

Hi Hanna,
First thing first. Don't blame Toby. He has nothing to do with any decisions that I make. In fact, I'm very grateful for his trip to Tampa that at this point couldn't be more perfect.
I'm sorry I left you at school. I've tried to find a way to tell you last night that I actually already need to leave today. It sucks when you have your words got cut in the throat. I can't find a perfect way to say goodbye, no matter how many hours I spent to think, or to even google it. To me, deep down inside, I wish that goodbye would be a kiss. I want to kiss you. But how's that even gonna make any difference? I'm leaving anyway. I don't want to hurt you. I also don't want to spend my 30 hours on plane thinking of our kiss, like whether or not I should've kissed you longer. So I chose not to do that. Because you wouldn't prefer to be kissed by a brother, right? *wink* Haha. Hey either way, by the time you read this, I want you to know that I'm doing just fine up here. Currently still have hours and hours to go before landing in Melbourne. Gonna miss Tampa's summer. Gonna miss you.
I hope Toby treats you right. Ah, I know he will. Stay alive, okay, doll face? Send me a wedding invitation when it's time, so that I know that's an alarm to come home.
I love you,

I sniffed so hard I couldn't even feel my head. And Toby didn't make any sound. He stared straight off at the distance, patiently sat next to me and my pathetic groans. Luke's gone. I hated that I was being forced to understand the situation.

But there's no turning back now. Luke's chapter in my life has ended just like that, I didn't know how much time left I had with Toby. So I pretty much was alone.

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