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Dress; check.
Hair; check.
Shoes; check.
Make-up; check.

I walked downstairs to Toby. He was watching TV to kill some time. I've been ready actually. I just bought myself couple of minutes to take a deep breath.

"Ready?" He smiled.


"Con? Ri? We're leaving!" Toby yelled to their rooms.

"Go away, love birds!" I heard Connor's reply.

"He sounds happy." I sarcastically smirked.

"He sounds frustrated." Toby noted it with devilish laugh in his face.

"So where we going?"

"You'll figure out."

Toby drove to town, the same direction I picked Joan earlier. But instead of make any turns around the city, which I thought we would have a dinner, he drove further to this more quiet side of town. Almost like a way to the hills. I saw a golf range as we passed by. But he didn't plan on getting slower with the car. Until there wasn't any other car I saw around us.

"Blindfold or not?"

"Too late." I rolled my eyes.

"Damn, it should've been more romantic with the blindfold." He laughed. "Follow me please?"

Toby gently opened the door for me. We parked by a cliff. Why is Orlando so beautiful. I never saw a cliff like this in Tampa.

"It's so dark. I barely can see anything." I whispered.

"That's what makes it amazing."

"Amazing what?" I still whispered. "Are we hunting ghost?"

"Bahahahaha... You're just..." Toby stopped right there and looked at me in the eyes. "Funny. Hahahaha."

"I'm freaking serious!"

"Unfortunately not tonight. Come, sit right here."

He unfolded a blanket that was big enough for us to share. This cliff had a lower tree house. By lower I meant it was not as high as normal tree house we usually see. But still, the tree house itself was amazing. There were many small LED lights hung around the room, being only source of light in this very dark spot.

Toby stared straight at the distance though it's still dark, while I traced every inch of his amazing looking face, self-talking how wonderful my life has become since I met him.

"Wait for it..." Toby held his breath.


He held my face, helped me lead my sight to where he's been staring at. And I gasped. The loudest gasp I've ever done in my life. It's like revealing a life. Slowly the very thin layer of cloud revealed a very cool citylight view. Right in front of us. In such a perfect time. Darkness turned into lights.

Toby held my cheek once again.

"Now you know it."

And we kissed. Deeper, more beautifully, than the last one at the beach. Tonight, with no hesitation at all, I was giving my heart to him. I kissed him back like it's the last time we could ever do it. The citylight was sparkling as we continued intertwining our fingers. I cried. But this time it must be my happiest tears.

"I love you. Please be mine." Toby begged.

"I love you too." I kissed his cheek. "Thank you for never giving up on me."

We ended our kind of dinner time with so many kissing and gasping at how amazing our journey's been. Started with a normal life with Luke, the barbeque party, the pass-out thing, the concert, the drama, Australia, tears, letters, more tears, confusions, some more tears, before happiness.

We drove back home in a much better shape. Intertwined fingers that's never left each other. With him repeatedly kissed my hand. Giggling over everything, no matter how not funny it was. Pointing at boring store's names we couldn't pronounce like it's a big deal to share. Blushing because of each other's stare every five seconds.

And capturing every moment because we still realized how fragile this could be. But we're willing to fight. Every second with him is worth fighting for.

"Luke!" I screamed in the car. "Luke, you hear me?"

"Girl, what did I tell you last time about facetime? Do not put that nose too close to the camera. I can only see nose." His typical groan. "Ugh, more nose."

"How are youuuu?" I messed up with him.

"Just woke up. Thank you for asking."

"Who's that, babe?"

Suddenly I heard a girl's voice from afar, but surely it came from the same room. Probably bathroom, judging from the echo.

"LUKE IS GROWING UP, Y'ALL!" I laughed the hardest, the longest, seriously couldn't stop it til even after two minutes.

"I am an adult." He showed me that freak out face but tried to explain to that girl in his room. "Uhm, it's some very interesting neighbor from Tampa."

"Neighbor." I pouted.

"Okaaaay, a little sister. From Tampa." He corrected himself.

"That's right, brother." I copied his Australia accent.

"A pain in the ass kind of little sister." He rolled his eyes to me.

"Hahahaha. Hi there, my name is Hanna." I spoke to Luke's girlfriend.

"Hi Hanna! Gosh, give it to me, I want to talk." They involved in a little fight over Luke's phone. "I'm Mandy."

"Aw you're so pretty." I gasped excitedly.

"Look at yourself in the mirror, sweet pea. You're an A+." Mandy replied.

"That's true." Toby kissed my hand.

Luke's reaction went bold. He took over his phone back. Guess he heard what Toby just said. Well, that's make sense, because giving my nose full attention to Luke was an intentional move. He didn't know I was with Toby.

"Is it what I heard it is?" Luke lowered his tone.

"Luke, there's something I want to tell you..."

He held his breath. I pulled off my best acting skill, I bet, because Luke was making Mandy freeze too. Maybe he thought I would say anything that could cause them to break up.

"...It's an invitation for you to come home."

I smiled to the camera, and pulled back my phone to the right distance, to give it wider range of expose. Luke was relieved. He immediately said hi to Toby. I handed my phone to Toby because the rest of conversation was pretty much Toby explaining to Luke about how he asked me out, and vice versa with Luke and Mandy. Meanwhile, Mandy and I were in the same position. We smiled occasionally to each other and raised eyebrows, as our boyfriends being too excited about this virtual reunion.

My two most significant people in my life. Their laughter, their smiles.

I took a second to glance outside, to thank the universe, that everything was finally going alright.

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