Chapter 13

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Diana's POV

War is hell, that my friend is an understatement. After I followed Patroclus and then men who followed him thinking he was Achilles I saw the Trojan army waiting for us. Well that is not the best thing to see first thing in the morning. Patroclus playing as his cousin was giving the men orders on where to attack and when as I tried to make my way through the warriors. Not an easy task at all. Just when I was almost able to grab his arm he let out a loud war cry and the battle started.

"Oh for the love of the Pharaoh!" I yelled as men ran past me.

Nothing I could do would stop them but even if I had to guard Patroclus I would make sure that he did not die. I would hate to think that Meg's child would grow up without a father. Once again I manage to make my way through the warriors while fighting off some myself with a sword I picked up from a dead warrior. I hated to do it but now it was either kill or be killed.

My heart was beating far faster than it ever had as I turned just in time to see Patroclus and Hector fighting. Oh dear god, I knew the outcome of that battle and now I knew I had to stop it. Hector rose his sword about to attack Patroclus when I placed myself in front of him and blocked his attack with my weapon.

"Diana? So this is where your loyalty lies?" Hector questions while I just try and hold our position.

"I will not allow a beloved friend to lose the father of her child!" I yell as I push him backwards.

This confuses him as he regains his composure. Knowing he wouldn't attack first I decide to make the first move and push Patroclus out of harms way. He looked not only upset but embarrassed. Right now I didn't care what his feelings were because I was just here to save his life. Hector saw as Patroclus looked at me confused and decided to take advantage thinking that Patroclus was still Achilles. Jumping from my spot to once again stand in front of Patroclus this time Hector's sword does connect...with my body.

"Diana!" Patroclus yells as he looks down at me.

Looking down I can see Hector's sword in my shoulder. Falling to my knees I looked up at Hector I wanted to cry. To be honest I didn't know if this wound would kill me or what but now I was truly frightened. Hector removed his blade as Patroclus removed the head piece he was wearing and knelt down beside me taking me in his arms. I could feel the blood going down my arm.

"Diana...I didn't..." Hector stumbles over his own words as he looked down at my once beautiful blue gown now being stained with my red blood.

"Haven't you done enough?! First you accuse her of being a spy and now you kill her!!" Patroclus yells right at Hector.

Hector didn't know what to say as he continued to look down at me. Fear was written all over his face as well as anger and pain. Not knowing what else to do I just leaned against Patroclus as he picked me up in his arms. Turning away from Hector he began to walk back to camp telling the other warriors to return with him. Of course they obeyed him even though now they knew he was not Achilles.

"Diana, stay with me don't close your eyes." Patroclus said as he started to run now.

I tried my best, I really did but my eyes eventually won and they closed. Still I could feel that Patroclus was running as fast as he could with me in his arms. Finally he stopped and I felt someone else grab me and hold me close to them.

Achilles POV

Fear and anger raged through my body as I saw Patroclus in my armor holding a bleeding and passed out Diana in his arms. Taking Diana from Patroclus I held her close to me as I took her into my tent. How did I let this happen? Now she may even die. Patroclus knew who did this and I would make sure that he told me. Meg came in with two other women who managed to bandage her wound while I held her.

"Di...oh why do you always have to play the heroine?" Meg said with a sigh as she took Diana's free hand in her own.

Patroclus walked inside my tent with his head down clearly ashamed that he allowed such a thing to happen to Diana.

"Who did this?" I ask while grinding my teeth.

"Prince Hector of Troy, he went to kill me but instead Diana stopped him by blocking him with her body." Patroclus states.

That damn Prince was going to pay for what he did. How dare he even come near her after all the pain and hell he had put her through. I would make sure that no matter what happened with Diana, Hector would pay with his own life.

"Why knew better yet you disguised yourself as Achilles and went to war..." Meg said as tears started to fall from her eyes.

"Now not only because of Hector but because of you Diana may be dying." I state as I look up at him. "What have you to say for yourself now?"

Hector's POV

Sitting in my room I couldn't get the vision out of my head. I actually stabbed Diana. Though I wasn't after her she managed to jump right in front of that other man and my sword struck her. Now for all I know she could be dead and it is all my fault. Damn! I grab a vase and throw it against the wall. Hearing that noise Paris walks in and looks around my room and all is disarray.

"What in the world happened Hector?" Paris questions me as he walks forward.

"It's all my fault...she jumped in the way and my sword struck her." I manage to say as I pace the room.

"What? Who did you sword strike?" Paris says as he grabs me and forces me to look at him.

"Diana." I reply and his eyes go from understanding to murder.

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