Chapter 40

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Meg's POV

Two days had passed and Di was fighting off whatever it was, Hector or Paris barely ever left her side. Honestly it was one of them that always stood there as if they were her own personal guards. Though due to all this the advisors became enraged and told Hector he was neglecting his title. Knowing Diana wouldn't want a war I was able to convince him to resume his duties and I would watch over Diana with Paris. He reluctantly agreed. Now I sit by her side as she wakes up every few hours and tries to eat only to become sick just a few hours later.

"Go and rest, it's my turn." Paris tells me as he walks into the room, his royal blue robes the same he had worn the day before. "Anything change?"

"No, I'm afraid all she does is eat and then become sick just a few hours later." I tell him with a long sigh. "I wish I knew what to do but we are doing all we can."

Standing and walking to the door, I look back and take a look as Paris sits down in the chair besides Diana's bed. Gently Paris takes her hand and begins to say something in a language I didn't know. I felt sorry for everyone, even myself since she was not only my best friend, but my sister as well. Yawning since I had little to no sleep I carefully open the door and begin the walk to my room. It was silent since it was dark out and most were asleep but then I heard feminine whispers and decided to follow them.

"She will be dead soon, you must be ready to comfort the matter what he may ask of you." An older female voice whispers to another unseen woman.

Carefully peaking from behind the wall, I was surprised to see the woman whom Paris spoke of standing there with what appeared to be a well-groomed older woman. The older woman took out a bottle and handed it to the woman who had a gleam upon her face.

"This is the strongest of the nightshade I could make. Use it well for it is the last of the supply I have." The old woman spoke carefully and looked around to make sure they were not seen. "Then once you are queen, you can then repay me."

The young woman didn't say anything but nodded and then took off towards the kitchen. I knew that Diana hadn't had anything to eat since early morning so now the cooks would be preparing something. Making a mad dash towards the kitchen, I waste not time once arriving there. Once I see the woman I take a plate and hit her over the head with it. She falls to the ground knocked out cold with the bottle still in her hand.

"Meg?" Hector questions as he steps into the kitchen. "What happened?"

"She's been poisoning Diana! She even has the bottle in her hand still. I overheard her talking to some old woman in the courtyard and she said that was the strongest nightshade and that once Diana died and this one became queen that she would then ask for repayment." I said very quickly and very angrily.

Hector was in shock as he then ordered the guards to put the woman in chains. Taking the bottle from her hand only one person came to my mind that would possibly know the only way to heal Diana. Whenever Diana was sick, Achilles always knew what would cure he no matter what it was, as long as he knew the cause. Now that I had the bottle I quickly took some of the potion from it and placed it in another bottle. Handing the original back to Hector I then turned to leave.

"Meg where are you going now?" Hector questioned.

"To save my sister, I will be back when I have the antidote. Until then watch her carefully." I say not even bothering to turn around, I keep walking until I find a horse.

Getting the horse ready to go, I then mount the horse and ride through out the night, one I finally got to Achilles it was still dark but I knew the sun would be up and moment. Jumping down from the horse I got to the tent to see Patroclus drinking water with his head hung low but the moment he looked up and saw me he was surprised.

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