Chapter 19

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Diana's POV

Three days had passed and though I knew something bad was on the way Paris and Hector did their best to distract me. Looking out to the city I began to wonder how many helpless lives would be lost when the Trojan horse trick was put into play and now with Achilles thinking I am dead he would have even more reason to do it. I wish I knew what to do, a part of me felt like I could still stop this though granted after being shot and almost killed that part had diminished quite a bit now.

"Shouldn't you still be resting?" A familiar male voice asks me.

Turning around I see Paris walking my way for once not with a girl on his arm. Either this guy was actually trying to change or I was very good at hallucinating. Dressed in his normal royal blue robes he didn't have a clue that the battle was nowhere close to over and that many lives still hung in the mix even after returning Helen.

"If I laid in that bed any longer I fear I would have become a part of it." I tell him trying to keep the joking mood going.

Paris tenderly touches my arm and looks into my eyes and my head is now telling me to make a run for it because it's bad enough two men have already fought over me. Apparently that is also the part that I don't listen to either.

"Diana, your health is serious, Hector and I both saw you lying dead before us. I never wish to see that again in my lifetime." Paris said as he pulled me close to him and embraced me placing his chin on the top of my head. "You need to rest and allow your body to heal, wouldn't want to suddenly pass out on the palace floors."

This was the only time I had seen Paris seriously concerned for someone other than himself, needless to say it was a little weird. Paris pulled away and looked down at me and I could see not only concern but fear in his eyes.

"Paris, I promise you I am well, I have had more than enough rest though I appreciate you looking out for me as well just believe me when I say I am more than able to stand and walk around the palace." I explain to him and after a few moments I see a small smile on his face followed by a nod.

"As you wish Diana, I must go now, Father has summoned me but I am sure Hector will be in any moment to check on you as well." Paris replied then quickly pecked my forehead with a kiss and left the room.

What was with him? Paris is not the way I remember him before I well you know died. Looking down I see my long white dress flow in the breeze that's coming from the outside of the balcony. Troy was something that Hector cherished I knew that but Paris just seemed to want to bed any woman he found. Though that opinion of him was slowly changing in my mind. All this was still a bit confusing but I knew I had to get a message to Meg somehow and at least let her know I was alive and well. Maybe she could also give me heads up on when the Trojan horse trick would be happening.

"Did Paris wake you?" Hector asked as he walked in also in his royal blue robes, apparently, no one was really worried about anything today, at least it seemed that way.

"No, I have been up for a while actually, you have come to check on me just like Paris said." I rely with a small giggle.

Hector shakes his head as he joins me and we walk to the edge of the balcony together. Though we were both looking at the city once I can feel Hector's eyes on me. Not that I didn't think Hector was handsome, strong or smart because he was definitely all of that but he also told me the truth when I really didn't want to hear it. Including the sad truth about Achilles, I knew that he only fought for himself and yes in my mind that was terrifying but for some reason I still liked Achilles just like I did Hector.

"You are a grown woman; I am sure you know when you have had enough rest." Hector says as he steps just a little bit closer to me. "Though in this light the title or woman nor mermaid would do no good but perhaps one of a goddess?"

Goddess well that was the furthest thing from the truth and I was about to tell him that until I felt his lips press against mine and no matter how weird or even almost wrong it felt I could feel myself responding and kissing him back.

Meg's POV

I couldn't stay away from Troy, I wanted to know what they did to Diana's body. After asking Patroclus and Achilles what would happen to her body and hearing different stories I decided to come back here and find out myself. Sneaking in the same tunnel that Diana had told me about it was easy to get into the wine cellar and quickly change into a slave's outfit. Blending in with the other slaves I was surprised to see that Paris was in the gardens where I remembered Diana was a lot and he was alone. Taking my chance, I walk right up to Paris and he is very surprised to see me.

"Meg? What are you doing here? They could kill you!" Paris says in a panic as he grabs me and pulled me into another hall.

"I had to find out for myself, please Paris tell me what happened to Diana's body." I plead with him as he looks at me a bit still in shock and confused. "I know it may not make sense but I need to know, she was like a sister to me and I think I deserve to know."

Paris sighs as he looks down and me and something tells me he is hiding something from me, the only question is what could it be? I saw Diana die myself with my own eyes so unless they already buried her or burned her body I should be able to see her still. Paris grabbed my shoulders gently and looked me in the eyes.

"Meg, you have to be able to keep a secret, then I can tell you." Paris tells me with a serious look in his eyes.

"Fine, just tell me or show me whichever one you can do." I reply as he nods and begins to lead me through hall after hall.

Finally, after about 15 halls we stop. Looking around I don't see anyone or anything though.

"Paris what is going on? Is her body already burnt and this is where her ashes are or something?" I question as he shakes his head.

"Not exactly, look up." Paris says and points his fingers up at a balcony.

Doing as I was told I look up and see a balcony with two people on it. They look like they are kissing and after squinting my eyes a lot I can make out that the man is Hector but once I recognize the woman I gasp only to have Paris put his hand over my mouth.

"You promised, you have to keep silent about this. Somehow Diana was able to return from the land of the dead and now my brother and I guard her without lives." Paris explains and he slowly removes his hand from my mouth. "Hector truly loves Diana."

"Paris...why didn't she send word or tell me?" I asked feeling hurt.

"She's only been awake for three days but mostly resting. We haven't let her do much of anything besides eat, sleep and bathe. Know though Meg that Diana is well cared for here and we promise to continue to protect her."

Diana was alive, oh I was so happy to hear that. Even though I couldn't talk to her or anything yet I was just happy knowing I hadn't lost my best friend and sister. Then Achilles came to my mind and my eyes went wide as I look to Paris who raised his eye brow at me.

"What about Achilles? If he finds out, you know he will come back and take her as well as both your heads." I state quickly.

"Therefore you have to keep it a secret. Achilles cannot know that Diana lives, would you really want to return her to someone like Achilles rather than her stay happy here with my brother?" Paris questioned me now. "He needs her, since Diana has rejoined the land of the living she has brought strength to his soul."

I really hated it when Paris was right. Looking back up I could see their long kiss just ending and Hector took Diana in his arms. Sighing I looked back to Paris and nodded. I wouldn't tell Achilles or anyone anything because more than anything I wanted to Diana to be happy and if Hector made her happy then who was I to take that away from her?

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