Chapter 35

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Diana's POV

Knowing Achilles was back did something to my heart that had never happened before, it turned it cold as ice. I knew that woman, that whore was no doubt one his many followers that he could only fight off for so long. I knew Achilles though, he would try to find a way to get to Alec but I would be there to stop him. There is now way in hell that he would get to my son! Meg could tell that I was beyond angry and had suggested to start with training as soon as possible, that way whenever Achilles decided to drop in unannounced as he always did, I would be ready for him.

Training wasn't easy and none of the trainers were allowed to go easy on me. I wanted to be trained just like the princes of Troy, so I was. Though granted, I wore something much different from top less men. A brown vest covered my chest and a lightweight dark brown skit made sure that I could fight but also keep my privacy, private. Instead of choosing a sword as my weapon though I decided to go a bit more offensive. Sword was my first weapon to be taught with but Sai's had become my personal favorite. They were an offensive weapon, not to mention you could throw them into your enemy.

After finishing my latest practice, I walked back to my room and bathed. Getting the grunge of sweat and heat from my body before dressing in a long dark blue dress. I did not wear the crown of the royals, I did not want to because I was not a princess. Walking out of my room I bump right into Levitica who looks up at me and smiles brightly.

"Warrior princess!" she laughs as she hugs my legs tightly.

Though I will admit I let Levitica refer to me as a princess just to please her. Smirking and shaking my head I hug the small child back before bending down to her level and looking her right in the eyes. She had her father's eyes, one look from Hector would make me admit anything to him and something told me he knew it.

"You my dear, one day, will be a greater warrior princess than I." I smile and wink at her giving her the encouragement she needs.

"Then I will make you and Alec and papa proud." She grins and then takes off into the hall.

"Of that, I have no doubt." I grin as I look to the other end of the hall where Hector leans against the far wall.

"Warrior princess? My daughter will be able to conquer armies?" Hector jokingly scoffs as he pushes off the wall and walks my way.

"With one look from her eyes, they will bow at her feet." I laugh as he shakes his head at me.

"She and Alec have both watched you train this past month. As have Paris and I, you have come quite some ways in just a month Diana but still no Achilles. Though I doubt that puts your mind at ease." Hector says as his hand gently grazes my forearm.

"Quite the opposite, it puts me more on edge. He is waiting for the moment when he thinks I am at my weakest, that is when he will make his move." I tell Hector as I look up into his eyes and my worries overcome me. "What if I can't keep him from Alec? What if he does dare take my son from me?"

Tears cloud my eyes but I can feel Hector pull me into his embrace. Here in his arms is where I feel the safest. My logic and reasoning with him have thrown caution to the wind and my heart has taken over with all thoughts having to do with Hector.

"Then the entire Trojan army will go and out looking for him, we will make sure that he is returned to his true parent. You Diana, his mother. The woman who gave her whole life to her child and has done nothing but protect him with all of your ability." Hector's voice says calmly as his words of comfort ring through my ears.

"DIANA!" I hear Meg scream at the top of her lungs.

Pulling away from Hector I go to the edge of the balcony and look down into the garden. There stands Meg with tears rolling down her face and my heart begins to panic. Looking up at me, she can barely get a word out. Running down the stairs and rushing to her side I hold her and try to understand what she is telling me.

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