Stomach Bug: reverse MoexCheney

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Lauren Holiday knew there was something up with her when she woke up Friday morning. She felt tired, even though she had plenty of sleep the night before. She shrugged it off and got ready.

After she got ready she made her way down to Moe and Kling's room. Kling opened the door. "Hey Lauren!" she greeted. "You here to see Moe?"

Lauren nodded. Moe came to the door a few minutes later. "Hey Mama," Moe said. "You ready for this week??"

This week the girls had off and Moe was coming home with Lauren to see Jrue. Lauren smiled and nodded. "Hey, is everything alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure Moe."

The two of them headed to Lauren's room to hang out. Throughout the day, Lauren kept drifting off, being awoken by Moe shaking her arm or yelling her name. Moe eventually gave up and told Lauren to get some sleep, and that she would wake her up later. Lauren fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

The next day, Lauren felt even more tired as she and Moe got on the plane. Moe was begining to get worried at this point. She slept the entire flight and Moe woke her up as they were landing. "Laur, you okay?" she asked.

"Just tired Moe."

"Okay, well the plane's about to land."


When the planed landed Moe helped Lauren up. She looked awful. They walked outside and found Jrue there to pick them up. "Hey MoMo!" he said, giving her a hug. "Hey Laur."

He kissed the top of her head. He brought both of them into his arms. "I grabbed your stuff, I knew which ones they were, let's get home."

When they got home, Moe and Lauren both went upstairs to put their stuff up. Moe walked into Lauren and Jrue's room to find her lying down. "Laur, you gotta stay up," she said gently. "You won't sleep if you don't."

She groaned and sat up, leaning her head on Moe's shoulder. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine Moe, just tired."

Moe sighed and faced her. "Laur, tell me if you start feeling bad."

"I will, don't worry so much."

Jrue called them downstairs. "Who's ready to go out?" he asked.

"We are!" both girls said at once.

The three got into the car, Lauren shotgun, Jrue driving, and Moe in the back. Lauren rested her head on the window. "You okay babe?" Jrue asked.

"Yeah, I'm just sleepy."

He rubbed her back then turned back to the rode. "Moe guess where we're going."

"Where Papa?"

"The Italian restaurant with the great macaroons!"


Lauren laughed at the two. They pulled into the Italian restaurant and got out. They sat down soon enough, and the waiter came and took their orders for drinks and food. While they waited, Jrue asked about how everything had been.

"It was really fun," Lauren said. "Moe did great."

"Thanks Laur, but you were amazing."

"Aw so were you."

Jrue chuckled. "My girls."

After they had finished eating, they ordered macaroons for dessert. Moe realized Lauren wasn't eating her's. She shrugged it off and continued eating her own. As soon as they finished and boxed Lauren's for later, they drove home. Lauren immeadiately crashed into bed and fell asleep. Moe chuckled at her then went downstairs to see Jrue watching basketball.

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