Don't Cry - PreathxMal

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She woke up completely paralyzed in fear, just as she had for the past two nights. Once she finally caught her breath, she took her monkey blanket and played around with it aimlessly. She had never had nightmares, not like these ones. She took a deep breath and tossed and turned in her bed. She wasn't used to these, she hadn't had any kind of nightmare since she was little.

She didn't sleep for the rest of the night. It seemed like forever but eventually the alarm went off. She immediately hit her hand on the button to stop it and sat up. Her roommate sat up as well. "Morning Mal," she yawned.

"Morning Kels," she smiled at the redhead.

"Sleep well?" Kelley asked, pulling her out of bed.

Mal laughed. "Yup, slept like a baby."

The two got ready and then headed to breakfast. They both sat with Alex, Tobin, Press, JJ, Morgan, and Hope. "Good morning sleepyhead," Press greeted Mal, kissing the top of her head.

"Morning Mama," she yawned, and then began eating her food.

After breakfast they headed into training. With the fact that she hadn't gotten more than four hours of sleep a night the past three nights, Mal was a lot slower than usual. Since the forwards were all working together, Alex was the first person to notice. She pulled her aside as they got a water break. "Are you feeling okay?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

"I'm fine," Mal grunted. "Why?"

"You're slow," the concern didn't leave Alex's voice. "I have to look out for you, Tobin would kill me if anything happened to you on my watch."

Mal nodded, and the coach called them back to training. Alex kept a close eye on Mal, worried she might collapse or something. Nothing happened though, so Alex let her worries subside.

They headed to lunch a little while after that. Mal barely picked at her food, and it made Press and Tobin begin to worry. "Are you feeling okay sweetheart?" Press asked.

"I feel kinda sick," Mal said. "Can I go lie down Mama?"

"Sure princess," Press kissed her head. "Do you want me or Tobin to come up with you?"

"Nah I'm okay," Mal smiled a little bit.

She went upstairs. Tobin and Press finished quickly, but Alex pulled Tobin to the side. "Keep an eye on her," she whispered. "She was slow in practice."

Tobin nodded, following Press up to Mal and Kelley's room. Press had gotten the key from Kelley and unlocked the door. Mal was fast asleep in her bed, holding her purple blanket close. Press smiled. "I think she's alright," she whispered to Tobin, then kissed the younger girl's head. "She isn't warm."

Tobin nodded, kissing Mal's head as well, and they both left. Tobin then made sure to talk to Kelley, and Kelley promised to look out for the young forward.

Later that night, Mal felt sleepier than ever. Almost as soon as dinner was over she ran upstairs to try and get sone sleep. That didn't seem to be what was going to happen.


"Mal! Mal wake up!"

She was drenched in cold sweat. She looked up to find Kelley sitting next to her on her bed, her eyes showing nothing but concern. "What happened?" Mal asked shakily, sitting up slightly.

"You were crying in your sleep, then you screamed. I woke up and realized you were having a nightmare. Are you okay?"

Mal shook her head, finally letting the tears flow. Kelley pulled her into a hug, shushing her and stroking her hair. "You want Press and Tobs?" she asked softly.

She felt Mal nod against her so she quietly got up and got her phone, dialing Tobin's number.

Tobin answered groggily. "What do you want?"

"Your "child" just woke up screaming. She's having nightmares. She wants you and Press."

There was silence for a few minutes but Tobin then came back. "We're on our way, try and keep her calm okay?"

"Will do."

Kelley hung up and went back to Mal, who was trembling. Kelley gave her a sympathetic smile and pulled her into another hug, before there was a knock at the door. She opened it to reveal a very sleepy, but very concerned, couple.

She said nothing, just stepped to the side and let them in. She watched in awe as Press immediately calmed her down just by whispering something in her ear. Tobin sat next to them, rubbing Mal's arm soothingly. Eventually, Press picked Mal up and Tobin grabbed her monkey blanket. "You gonna be okay alone tonight?" Tobin asked Kelley.

"Yeah I'll be fine," she smiled. "Take care of your girl."

"Thanks Kel," Tobin hugged her.


The trio left went back to Press and Tobin's room. They laid Mal in bed, Press holding her close. "Baby girl," Press said softly. "What happened?"

"I... I got hurt, and then there were people laughing at me. And then you and Mom pushed me down some hole and I never saw you again!"

Press shushed her, rocking her back and forth. "Princess that will never happen," she cooed. "Right Tobin?"

"Right," Tobin took her from Press. "Me and Mama love you more than anyone else, and that will never change. You don't ever need to worry."

"How long have these been going on?" Press asked, moving some of her hair out of her face.

"A few days," Mal mumbled, burrying her face in Tobin's shirt.

"Is that why you've been slower? You haven't been able to sleep?"

She nodded, seeming to get sleepier by the minute. Press sighed, kissing her temple. "Get some sleep Malley."

The family fell asleep like that.

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