Parent Problems - PreathxMal

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Something was up with Christen Press. She sat down next to Mal, frowning as they got on the bus for training. "You okay mama?" Mal asked.

"I'm fine," Christen mumbled.

Mal then knew something was up. When Press said she was "fine" she was quite the opposite. Mal didn't push though, and the bus began to move. As soon as it did, Mal felt her stomach turn. "Mama," she looked at Press. "I don't feel so good."

"You're fine," Press rolled her eyes.

She's in a bad mood, Mal reminded herself.

About halfway through the bus ride Mal began to grow sleepy. She leaned her head on Christen's shoulder. "Mal quit," Press said, pushing her off rather harshly.

Mal's eyes welled up with tears and she leaned her head on the window. She wondered where Tobin was, and what had made Press so upset.

They got to the pitch and into the locker room without anymore arguments. Mal lagged behind her older teammates however, and ended up being the last one in and the last one to get ready. "C'mon, we're gonna be late," Christen tapped her foot impatiently.

"Just go without me," Mal mumbled, lacing up her cleats.

And so she did. Mal was finished in a matter of minutes. She began to walk towards the door, but stopped, suddenly feeling extremely dizzy. She had to sit down. When she finally did make it onto the pitch, Jill was pissed that she had been so late. She told Mal to run until she told her to stop. It was then that Mal's body gave out on her, her legs losing all strength as she collapsed onto the cool grass.


Mal woke up to the feeling of a cool hands on her neck and forehead. "She's not faking Press," the soft voice of Ali was right above her. "She's on fire."

Mal opened her eyes slowly. Crouched beside her were Ali and Ash, both looking extremely worried. "What happened?" she mumbled.

"You fainted," Ali explained, softly moving strands of her hair out of her face. "Malley why didn't you tell anyone you weren't feeling well?"

Mal's eyes filled with tears again. Is Ali mad? Does she think it's my fault just like Mama? "I did," Mal choked on her words. "Mama didn't believe me."

Mal saw her glare towards Press before helping the younger forward sit up. "Okay baby," she cooed softly, pulling Mal into an embrace. "I believe you. Do you want to come sit with me in the shade until training is over?"

Mal nodded and Ali helped her over to the tent the coaches had set up. She curled up in Ali's lap, and Ali wrapped her arms around her, frowning at the amount of heat coming off of the younger girl. When training was over Ali carried her to the bus and had her sit with her. Ashlyn sat across from them. "Hey Malley-O," Ash said softly, rubbing her arm. "Do you want to come stay in me and Ali's room tonight?"

Mal nodded into Ali's shirt. Ali tightened her embrace. She looked up at Ash and mouthed, "I'm going to kill Press."

Ash nodded. When they reached the hotel Ali carried Mal in, while Ash carried her stuff. "Go shower babe," Ali kissed her head as the made it to the room.

Once all three of them had been showered they all cuddled up together on one of the beds to watch a movie. Suddenly, Mal began to cry. "What's wrong honey?" Ali went into her parent mode. "Does something hurt?"

"I want m-m-mama!" Mal blubbered.

Ali sighed. "I'll go get her baby," she said softly, brushing some of the hair out of Mal's face. "I'll grab the thermometer and some medicine too."

Mal nodded. It was Ashlyn's turn to hold her now. Ali went to the room Christen and Mal were staying in and knocked. No answer. She decided to try Tobin and Amy's room. "Help me," Amy pulled her into the room.

"She fainted Christen! She isn't faking it!"

"Mallory Pugh is the biggest baby in the world!"

"You're being an asshole!"

"I must have gotten it from you!"

"What the fuck did I do?!"

"Just leave me alone Tobin!"

"Fine! Get out!"

Christen began to storm out but Ali stopped her. "Mal wants you," she said. "Chris she's really sick."

"Tell her to deal with it," Christen pushed past her and slammed the door.

Ali walked over to Tobin who was sitting on the bed. "Tobs, can you come check on her?"

"Yeah," she stood up. "Let me see my kid."

They walked back to Ali and Ash's room together. Ali grabbed a thermometer and some medicine out of her bag. "Mal Pal," she said softly. "Can you stick this under your tongue?"

Mal nodded sleepily and took the thermometer. When it beeped Ali took it and Tobin scooped Mal up. "Hi princess," she cooed softly, kissing her forehead.

"101," Ali sighed. "Can you take this babe?"

She handed Mal a pill and a water bottle. She took it and then sleepily latched to Tobin. "Hi baby," Tobin swayed her. "What hurts?"

"My tummy," Mal whined.

"Okay babe," Tobin said softly.

She lied Mal down and gently rubbed her stomach. "Do you want to come lie with me in my room?" she asked.

"No no," Mal shook her head. "I wanna stay with Ali and Ashy."

"Is that okay guys?" Tobin asked.

"Of course!" Ali smiled.

"We'll take care of her," Ashlyn responded.

"Thanks guys," Tobin smiled, then kissed Mal's forehead. "I'll come and check on you in the morning."

She left and Mal snuggled with Ali and Ash again, and they finally got back to their movie. Meanwhile, Tobin got back to her room to find it empty. She sighed and got out her phone, hitting the contact she called the most.

"Chris? We need to talk."

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