chapter 6 - go on and tear me apart

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We pushed the pram Jasmine was sitting in into the building, the building gave me the creeps. we walked across the lobby i stared at Louis who gave me a reasurring smile. as long as i had him i would be alright i said to myself. 

we knocked on 'modest managments' door. 

'come in,' a stern voice said, we opened the door and pushed the pram inside. the voice was the manager of modest management he wore a boring plaid suit and his desk looked from the 1950's. i didn't feel so confident coming into the office without the other boys, the other boys made it seem less dreary was it just me or had this office got more grey?

'Why do you look so nervous?' the manager said his smirk reminded me of broken dreams. 

'you wouldn't be nervous if you knew you were guilty of something,' he said he extended his arm to shake our hands, his grip was tight and firm. 

'why are we here?' louis asked, we sat down on the uncomfortable chairs, i secretly put my hand on louis' knee for comfort. 

'well i thought you might know,' he said

'we dont think we have done anything wrong,' i said

'you guys need to stop acting so lovey-dovey to each other!' the manager said

'what-?' i said

'let me continue, this larry stylinson thing is creeping everyone out...we are losing fans because of it,' he said

'so? we love each other,' Louis said

The manager looked at us, he put his glasses down 'so its true,' he said in a monotone, he seemed disspaointed. 

i knew something bad was going to happen, i looked over at louis. 

'yes it is true, and you can't stop it,' louis said 

well done Louis for standing yoru ground!

'its losing many fans and you dont want the other boys to suffer because of your love affair,' the manager said

'you are acting as if it is wrong!' Louis said standing up, his fists clenched in anger. my stomach was flipping i was nervous as anything.

'you two are going to ruin the band with your gay rumours!' he shouted

'but-!' louis said

'i dont care you are going to listen to me and that is final i dont care! okay?!' the managment said 

'this is not fair,' i said i didn't realise it but i was crying, Louis looked at me and he was crying also.

'you...can',' i stuttered

'oh yes i can...and you have to agree,' he smirked an evil smirk. 

'you are denying me love,' i screeched, the manager pretended not to hear me. 

my heart was breaking into a million pieces. 

'you are telling your fans that you have been joking about loving each other just for banter okay?' the manager said. 

i felt tears fall onto my hand. 

'like they would believe us!' louis screamed

'to make it more believable...Louis we have hired you a girlfriend for tabloids,' The manager said

'hired me a what?' louis gasped

'a girlfriend...her name is eleanor calder...she has agreed to do this...,' the manager said

'like anyone would believe it, louis is so obviously gay,' i said my nose was scrunched up and my eyes fiery. 

'harry you need to calm down...Louis and Eleanor's relationship is just pretend,' The mananger said

Teen dad (a larry stylinson fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora