chapter 8 - Good father

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It had been one dreadful month of pain of eleanor and Louis and me and Louis hardly communicating i missed us talking and having jokes. I missed his touch i missed his smile, i noticed he didn't smile as much as he used to. Louis isn't Louis without his radiant smile, he just looks depressed all the time. 

I can't even describe the pain but i have stayed strong, I hope managment are happy (note the sarcasm)  i am miserable and so is Louis. I haven't seen his smile in a while, he doesn't laugh and joke around like he used to he just isn't Louis anymore. He's been sculpted into the managment's ideal person...they ignore how unhappy he is they just want to make money but when i see the rare times that Louis smiles i am scared that i am not the reason anymore.

'c'mon Jasmine we are going to the park,' I said, i felt bad for her i had been such a miserable person. I don't know why she idolised me so much but i guess the love for her dad was unconditional. 

'yay!' she smiled. she went to go get changed. 

she came out wearing my beanie and blazer. I bended down so i was my height.

'Jasmine what are you doing?' i asked sweetly

'wearing daddy's clothes,' she chirped

'why? i asked i was laughing at how the beanie covered most of her face. 

'because i want to be like you!' she chirped

why the hell would anyone want to be like me? i was a reck. I knew what i needed, i needed to get drunk to let the pain go away and to feel a little love. i knew it was the worst way to help but i knew it would but i promised myself i wouldn't for jasmine's sake. 

'How about you change into your clothes but you can keep the beany,' i said to her

'really?' she gasped

she skipped away smiling and laughing. when we got to the park i took her on the swings and swung her while she laughed and screeched with happiness, the sound of Jasmine's laugh was probably the best sound in the entire world. When i saw the woman i really didn't want to see but according to her i was truly madly deeply in love with her. This was bad because i was trying to avoid her, she honestly thought she was god's gift to me but she would never compare to Louis. This girl was Taylor Swift the girl who i was supposdly 'dating' according to her we were but to me not so much. 

'Hello Harry,' she shrieked, I saw Jasmine roll her eyes i couldn't help but laugh.

'Hi taylor,' 

'is this your beautiful little girl?' she said

na she was a random girl that i put on a swing and swung. 

'yes it is, this is jasmine. Jasmine say hello to taylor,' i said

Jasmine just blew a rasberry at her. 

Taylor shrieked. 

'Jasmine be nice,' i said, Jasmine just looked away. 

'you know you should really teach your daughter some manners,' Taylor said 

'oh no she knows them very well,' i mumbled

'I mean she needs to learn to respect what could be her future mother!' Taylor said

Jasmine's face made a 'O' shape, my eyes buldged out. woah woah woah woah we had been seeing each other for a few weeks where is he getting all these mad never-in-a-million-years ideas. i wouldn't even call it dating what we are doing i didn't even like taylor. 

i was speechless, Taylor crossed her arms. 'what when i date someone i want to know the realtionship is going somewhere,' 

'we will probbaly send jasmine to a boarding school right?' taylor asked

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