chapter 22 - Jasmine's day with Louis

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 it was boxing day and Jasmine was happily playing with the minion Louis had bought her and her tricicle and all her other toys. I smiled meekly at her fun. I was reading the little note that was attached to her one-eyed minion that Louis gave her for christmas

dear Jasmine merry christmas i hope santa has bought you all the things you have wanted, i miss you and i wish i could have shared this christmas with you i hope you are being a good girl and i hope you like your present!

lots of love Louis xx

i sighed and smiled a bit at the cute message, he cared for Jasmine which was a start. Eleanor and Louis' christmas celebrations were all over the media and it made my heart shred into a million pieces seeing them together so happily in love. I really wish i could say that i stopped drugs but i couldn't i was 100 percent addicted i couldn't go a day without them and i regretted each time i took them but i had to. I was happy because Louis had stopped cutting that was probably the only positive thing out of his and Eleanor's relationship. 

I helped Jasmine on the tricicle and i wasn't so sure about letting go i held on to her for dear life as she rode around. 

'Daddy you can let go of me now i can do it myself now,' she said

'are you sure jasmine?' i asked

'yes! i dont need your help anymore just let me go please,' she said

i sighed and let her ride by herself fast. It was while i was watching her play with her tricicle while the minion was right by her side i got a phonecall. The phone rang and i went to get it not at all expecting it to be Louis. this is how the phonecall went

L: hi harry

H: louis?

L: yeah hi, how was your xmas?

H: good yours thanks for jasmine's present that was very nice of you she really likes it

we were being so civilised on the phone when i know in our minds we were thinking very different things. 

l: im glad, you didn't say happy birthday to me!

h: sorry! i did on your birthday didn't i?

l: oh yeah, you should have come round on christmas eve (my birthday) everyone came round for dinner

oh yes zayn txted me about that but i was too high and too ill to go, i didn't dare tell Jasmine that we had been invited or she would have forced us to go.

H: i wasn't feeling too good

L: oh okay.

he knew that that basically meant i was too high. 

l: you know you should be careful with the drugs i am not going to tell you not to do it because i am not your father but i would advise you to stop for jasmine's sake

h: i know i know ive heard it all before

l: oh fine...

H: Louis do you want to see Jasmine?

i felt bad that i had deprived them of each other after he had been so nice to her. 

L: yes please!

H: After new years on Jan 4th do you want to take her somewhere? have a louis and jasmine day since you miss her so much?

L: yes that would be amazing! are you sure will you miss her too much?

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