chapter 30 -Harry?

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Louis arrived at the changing room quite late at around 10:35, he had just got his hair done it was done in a perfect quiff, he was freshly shaven and he looked very good looking, It was the day of his wedding day he was very excited though he had a sense of regret in his stomach, did he really love eleanor that much? or was he just marrying her because of that reason that he gets nervous talking about. 

When he saw Harry that day in the loo crying his eyes out Louis eyes had opened at the reality of what Harry had become, a hopeless reck to make things worse Jasmine had been taken away from him whenever Louis thought of this a lump came into his stomach and he felt so sad and upset and guilty?

He did love Harry so much more than anything in the world though he knew he was going to regret not confessing his true emotions to Harry, he just couldn't because if he did he would have to admit that the only reason that they weren't together was because of Louis' fear of the public and hate and the fact that noone could barely accept famous gays. 

He walked to the changing room eager to place on his expensive and glamourous suit, at this moment Eleanor was getting ready putting on her beautiful white dress, she was excited to get married. Though she still had doubts of Louis' love she knew the one reason which urged Louis to marry her. 

He was upset about Harry's decline to be best man, Louis was worried about Harry and he promised that after the wedding he will go and see if he's okay and explain. 

He was about to put on his bow tie when he saw the envelope....He furrowed his eyebrows, most of the wedding cards were placed in the main room not here, this one most have got out he thought. 

When he opened the letter, he immediatly recgonised the handwriting and he almost fainted. He began to read it, as he read harry's letter he didn't realise that tears were streaming down his face. 

The tailors came inside while Louis was reading the letter, when he got to the last bit Louis realsied what Harry was going to do. He gasped and had a min-heartattack his hazza couldn't die his hazza meant the world to him. 

'CALL THE POLICE AND SEND THEM TO HARRY'S APARTMENT NOW,' he shouted at Niall who was in the room also admiring the suit. 

Niall didn't hesitate to ask why he knew it would be serious he started getting scared and Louis began to cry. The rest was a panic, the ambulance and police was called, Louis didn't give a fuck about his wedding not when harry could potentially be dead. 

Louis knew it would be too late, too late to say the words he needed to say. 

Louis ran out of abbotts hill and ran himself to harry's flat, panic dripping from his face this couldn't be true his true love couldn't be dead??

Eleanor saw Louis run off. 

'What are you doing?' she screamed, she thought he had got cold feet and was running awy from the wedding. 

'Harry's in trouble,' he said

Eleanor secretly knew Louis' secret love for Harry she secretly knew she would always come second, Louis would always make her feel like the first but she would always know his heart was somewhere else. 

'IM COMING HAZZA!' lou shouted he didn't even want to think if it was too late.

~ ~  ~~  ~

Jasmine had picked up the letter, she was about to open it but then the teacher announced the start of story time so she put it in her hello kitty bag. 

at break time where everyone had their juice boxes at around 10:30 she opened the letter, she knew she would find it hard to read it so she asked her teacher to read it, Jasmine realised it was from her daddy that was the only thing she understood, she missed and loved him and was excited to see what the note would say. 

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