Chapter 03

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The two weeks of holidays seemed to be over without even occurring. Since the party, I'd had sex with Chad three times more. All three times we were at his place when his mum was away; each time was just as magical.

The whole two weeks, Dallas didn't say a word to me. It did upset me - I missed talking to my big brother. I didn't know why he was worrying so much - Chad was nothing but nice to me. He'd taken me shopping countless times and done nothing but spend time with me.

I was on the bus with Ellie and Dallas, although Dallas sat away from me. It was depressing me that Dallas was mad with me. Worse still, he was no longer talking to Chad.

When I got off the bus, somebody grabbed my arm and pulled me into their embrace. Chad kissed me only briefly before saying, "Hey babe."

"Hey! How are you?"

"Fine," he replied, "Look I gotta go to class. Talk later."

He didn't even give me a chance to respond - he just walked away. I didn't have time to dwell on his behaviour as the bell rang for class. Everybody was racing in different directions, not wanting to be late on the first day of school.

First period, I had maths and so headed to the west wing of the school. It turned out that I was in Kayleigh's maths class and so I went to sit next to her. She looked like hell. Her brown hair was in a messy pony tail, her uniform was all messy and she wasn't even wearing make-up!

"Hey Kay. What's up?" I asked as I sat down.

"Oh, hey Nas. It's nothing. It's only, my period's really heavy and painful." She answered, confident that I wouldn't be grossed out when she told me.

But instead, what she said alerted panic inside me. My period was due over a week ago...





"Nas?" Kayleigh was waving her hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

"Nasettia Perstacio," Mr Sanders called as he continued the roll call.

"Yep," I barely whispered, but he heard me.

"Are you alright Nas?" Kayleigh sounded really scared, which was exactly how I felt.

I shook my head. I knew she'd ask me about it so I said, "I'll tell you after school. Will your mum let you come to my place?"

"Of course she would," she replied. She continued to talk but I tuned it out. I had other things to think about. Important things like, oh, I don't know, pregnancy!

The rest of the school day passed in a blur. Okay, I was beyond scared. It didn't make things better when Chad didn't have lunch with me. When the bell rang to siren the end of the school day, Kayleigh met me at my locker with a questioning look in her eyes.

"Alright, spill Nas. You seemed fine this morning, but when I say something, you turn into some sort of zombie-thing."

"Just wait until we get to my place. This is pretty big, what I need to tell you."

"Oh, fine!" She locked my locker for me and towed me to the buses. We made it with seconds to spare which meant that we had to stand. When the bus got to my stop, Kayleigh and I got off, but when Dallas and Ellie headed home, I pulled Kayleigh in the opposite direction to the park. I knew it would be fairly empty.

When we got there, the park was empty - it was too cold for children to want to be playing here. Children. Was that what I was getting myself into? I was only fifteen for Christ's sake! Would I be here one day, not with Kayleigh, but with

That Was Unexpected! (Unexpected, #1)Where stories live. Discover now