Chapter 23

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Those six weeks passed in a blink. Dad, Becky, and Taylor's parents - Cathy and Brian - had known about the proposal and were really happy for the both of us. Dad seemed to take it the hardest, but he'd eventually come around to the idea. To Courtney, it was a huge surprise also, and she was excited that I'd be a sister to her. She said she hated never having a sister to do things with. Taylor wanted a huge engagement party to celebrate the fact that we were getting married - not for another two years at least! - but I had insisted on not having one, seeing as the baby was due any day now...

* * *

I woke suddenly. The clock was flashing 11:26pm and everything was quiet, apart from my heavy panting. I felt the cause of my awakening between my legs - a warm wetness - and began to panic. I wasn't ready yet and the baby wasn't due for another few days, but, the doctor had said it could happen any day before or after the due date. It was four days early.

I saw Taylor dimly lit by the little light that the moon provided. He was fast asleep, exhausted from working a double shift at the supermarket. I felt guilty almost as I tried to shake him awake. I chanted his name repetitively. No response.

I racked my brain for something that would wake him immediately. I chose the first thing that came to mind, seeing as I had only limited time. I knew that he would hate me for what I was about to do.

I brought my right hand to his face and turned away as I raised it in the air and slapped him with as much force across the face. I cringed as my palm met his cheek, but I felt better as it had worked to awaken him.

He cursed loudly before opening his eyes and looking at me - shocked as to what I'd done. I didn't let him speak because I could feel a contraction coming on. "Tay," I said through clenched teeth and heavy breathing, "water... broke." It was all I could say before the pain became unbearable and I had to clutch my abdomen.

Taylor cursed yet again after he realised that this was the time we had been waiting for. He jumped out of bed and threw on trackies and a random shirt before coming around to me. The contraction was beginning to ease, so I was not coherent again in the world.

Two days ago, Taylor had insisted that we pack a bag of the essentials, seeing as it I could go into labour at any time. Then, I had thought it was a stupid idea, but now, I was glad he hadn't listened to me. He grabbed his wallet, phone and keys that were on the bedside table before placing the backpack on his back. He pulled the bed covers away from me before lifting me into his arms. We raced down the stairs and he quickly seated me in his car.

He raced around to his side after shoving the bag in the back seat. We raced away to Geelong hospital, not even leaving a note for Dad and Becky. Taylor held my hand the whole way, and when the contractions came, his eyes almost popped out of his head at the amount I squeezed.

"Alright," Taylor said after yet another contraction, "How far apart are your contractions?" His voice was serious, and all business now.

"It was about seven minutes at the house, and it's about six minutes now," I gasped, breathless. I knew that the closer the contractions, the faster this baby would come. So did he.

"Today's the day then," he said, looking at the clock on the dashboard. It read one minute past midnight. It would have to be born in this new day at the rate the contractions were coming.

After what seemed like a lifetime, we finally made it to the hospital. Taylor managed to find a legal car park, seeing as it was the middle of the night, and then everything sped up. Taylor flung his door open and it slammed shut with a bang. He got the backpack from the back seat before opening my door for me. He bent down as to pick me up, but I shook my head.

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