Chapter 11

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The next two weeks passed faster than what I would have thought possible. I managed to get hold of legal documents that I had to send off to Chad to get signed. They included child-support papers (which stated he would have to make payments to me from when he turned eighteen, until the baby turned eighteen years old), and they included papers he would have to sign for if he wanted shared custody.

I'd decided that once I got home from school I would call Chad first, just to warn him that he would be getting things in the mail. Taylor had offered to be there whilst I was on the phone to Chad, just for moral support. I thankfully accepted his request, now knowing how much easier it would be if Taylor was in the same room.

I got on the bus at school and sat next to Courtney, and Taylor sat in front of us. He was turned around the whole time, talking to the both of us. He was starting to get worried about his exams which were due to take place in the next month.

"Don't be stupid Taylor," Courtney said, becoming frustrated with his constant worry, "You'll pass the exams easy. You've always been the nerd of the family."

"Whatever," he said, turning around and looking through his text books.

The rest of the bus trip, nothing was said. I didn't like it. It made me think about how I was going to feel talking to the person who hurt me greatly.

When I got off the bus, Courtney went home with Mr Elliott whilst Taylor waited with me for my dad to get here.

"Nervous?" Taylor asked when Mr Elliott had driven away.

"Yep," I replied in a huff.

"Come here," he said as he opened his arms. I walked into his embrace, feeling safe.

Taylor pulled away as we heard the sound of the old station wagon come around the corner.

We both climbed in the car and Dad drove home, not saying much at all. Lately, he'd been getting better at tolerating me seeing Taylor, but he was still reluctant to admit he was wrong.

When I got home, I raced upstairs and Taylor followed. Once we were both in my room, I shut the door and went to my phone. I sat on the bed, just staring at the phone.

"You know, they're like three hours behind us. Maybe I should call back later." I would say anything to put it off.

"Nas," Taylor said, getting my phone (for I had put it away) and putting it in my hand. "You've got to do this. Just try both numbers, and if he's not there, well then you can call back later tonight. Come on, I'm here for you," he smiled at me, and it was hard to resist.

"Okay," I said, typing in his home phone number, remembering to add the area code, before pressing the call button.

I slowly put the phone to my ear, and Taylor held my other hand supportively. I heard the dial tone and then the sound of someone picking up the phone on the other end.

"Hello?" a rough, gravelly voice answered.

"Hi... umm is Chad McMurray there?" I asked, my voice shaking from the nerves.

"No, he's at work. Call him on his mobile," the same voice sounded before hanging up.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and hung up on my end.

"Well?" Taylor asked after a moment's silence.

"Apparently he's at work. I think I was speaking to his dad - really rude man, mind you. He said to call him on his mobile," I said as I slowly typed in the other number Russell had given me.

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