Chapter 1: Broken

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Dear God make me a bird, so I can fly far, far far away

Warm Winds,

My name is Joy but there is no Joy in my life. When I shut my eyes at night I hope when I wake up things would be different, but it's the same. It's The Same shit just a different day. I lay on my back looking at ceiling at the same spot. I've been laying here for like 30 minutes. Sometimes I just feel numb and I feel nothing, I feel like it's just me vs the world.

I finally get up and go to kitchen and look in the refrigerator and the cabinet and there is nothing. Typical.

I grab my phone and my last $50 till I get paid tomorrow evening. Before I could get out the door I hear my mother come out of her room.

"Oh, hey baby" she looks so beat up, she try's to make her mouth curve into a smile.

"I'll be back" I immediately close the door to the apartment. She is going to ask 50 million question and I don't have time for that.

When I door the close I see a piece of paper hang on the door. It's a eviction notice, fuck. I snatch the page down and put it in my pocket. How in the hell am I going to pay 2000 by next week

I head out I put on my hood and start walking to the corner store. As I'm walking I get cat calls from grown drunk men that I pay no mind to.

I finally reach the store, it's dusk outside at this point . The store outside lights are on letting people know they are open. I walk in and the man greets me by nodding his head and I do the same back.

I grab and gallon of juice and a big bag of chips. As I walk to the cash register I see a girl that looks homeless and kind of beat up walk in. I peep out the side of my eye her pick up some chips and putting it under her shirt then she starts to head to the door.

The man behind the counter was about to yell at her but I stop him and handed him my $50. "I'll pay for it", I got some slim jims for the girl to. I give him the 50 and he hand me my left over change.

When I walk out I see the girl sitting on the side of the building eating the chips.

"You know you could have gotten in trouble" I tell her and she just shrugs her shoulders.

"Well I got these for you" i handed her the slim jims and she hesitated at first but she still took them.

"You got a name" I ask her, kneeling close by her.

"Willow" she slowly looked up at me.

"Joy, how old are you Williow" asking her because she looks close to my age.

"17" she continues to eat.

"I'm 19" I tell her.

I sit and talk to Williow for about 30 minutes until she said she had to go back to her camp site where her little cousin is.

I walk back the apartment and when I walk up to the door it was already open. Really.
I walk in , close it and lock it. I sit on the counter and make a call that I have really been trying to avoid but I'm so emotionally, physically, and mentally drained.

"Wassup lil sis, haven't heard from you in a minute " I hear his voice through my phone.

First chapter, hopefully i hope y'all liked.
So sorry for mistakes but remember to vote and comment❤️

A/N: Ok so I need you to make sure you guys comment and vote, when you do it shows me yall want more and that mean faster updates. Thanks for the support guys. ❤️

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