Chapter 30: One stone

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So we pray to the Gods, the Jahs, and the Allahs
To keep us safe and watch our lives
Cause all we tryna do is do good
Put on my hood when I walk through hoods

Joey Bada$$

Once I seen Joy get up and walk away I knew she was pissed. But I'm pissed too I got these people coming in my shit telling me what to do, naw this can't fly. I have to get them out asap.

I finish telling the crew what they have to do. Fuck I need a smoke. I go up to my office and light up. About 30 minutes in I hear a knock on my door, expecting it to be Joy,so I say come in. But when the door open its Alex.

"Now, was that so hard" she smiles and sits in the chair in front of my desk.

I don't even reply to her, i don't have time. I just pull out another blunt and start rolling.

"Now I think we have to get rid of some people holding us bac.." She says but I cut her off, why is she talking like she is going to be here long.

"What" I look up at her.

"I just think you should do some spring cleaning" she looks away from me.

"It's winter" I light up my blunt. "Better yet, why you telling me what to do, we doing your job, sit back and relax" I tell her blowing out the smoke.

"Fine, I'll relax" she throws her hands up and smiles, "but i really don't appreciate your little bitch punching me in the face" she gets up and walks over to me.

"Who" I look at her because Joy not the real violent type unless you provoke her.

"Joy" she walks up and stand next to me and looks at me.

"Don't call her a bitch" I turn my chair to face her.

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it" she steps closer to me.

"Man you need to chill" I tell her.

"Thought so" she smiles and sits on my desk, and takes the blut out of my hand.


"Pass that" Kami says to me, I pass her the blunt, now this is not my first time smoke, but it's my first in a long time. We sitting in Carmen's place just to get out of that place since the guys are working and Killa said he'll go back up the man John Engel's office building by himself.

"How you feeling" Kami ask me.

"I feel fine" I lean my head back.

"What about King" she adds, I roll my eyes not even wanting to talk about him right now. I see what Kami and Ron are going through, our relationship is bipolar now.

"Honestly I don't know. I'm just afraid of being hurt. Sometimes I feel like my past is holding me back. I just don't want to make something work when it's not." I confess to them.

"Hey thing aren't going to be always good, especially by how we are living. His is not perfect and neither are you, but if  he admits to being a human being  and making mistakes, hold on to him and give him the most you can. King has not easily trust people but he trust you, just don't hurt him and don't try to change him, I've seen girl try to come in try to change King and you can't change him if he ain't ready to. Your going to yell when he makes you mad and miss him when he is not there. Love is hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don't exist, I know this first hand. But King may be the perfect guy for you. Just trust in it" Kami tells me, maybe she right.

"But my hand still hurt from punching Alex" I laugh out.

"Damn I wish I seen it" Carmen says laughing.

"I just don't get the right vibe from the chick, like I  seen her in Troy office. I know that damn door was locked" I tell them.

"Well let's look" Kami says blowing the smoke out her mouth. She pulls out her laptop and she connects to the cameras and going back a couple hours.

"Ok stop" I tell her to stop around the time the cops left. We watch it and we seen her walk up to the room and kneel down and seconds later the door was open.

"Fucking told you, she ain't right" I point to the screen. As we are talking about what we are doing Kami phone rings and she answers it and I take the blunt and smoke it.

"Yo eyes hella red" Carmen leans over at me.

"Damn, really" i pull out my phone and pull up the camera, as I do that I over hear Kami phone call.

"No, I've... That doesn't make sense"
"I'm on my way"

She hangs up the phone and looks at us.

"They found Bria body in the river" Kami says, get up slowly.

"What" Carmen hops up.

"We have to go" Kami says but her words come out slow.


We pull up and the crew is already here. We see police tape around a body that is covered up. I walk up and see King, I walk up next to him and he looks at me then looks away then looks at me again.

"Where the fuck where you" he leans over and says in a low voice.

"This is not the time" I say looking at him.

"You right, but you slipping up don't forget you have a job to fucking do. We fucking talking later" he walks away as I turn around I see Alex smiling and she follows King. As he walks away I feel like a ball is my chest and it hurts, I try to say something but nothing comes out.

I walk over to Carmen and Kami talking to Bria's mom as she is ballin her eyes out.

"Has Bria been hanging around anyone new" Kami ask.

"she came to me saying how she messed up and she was dealing with this guy and she found out some stuff on him that would mess up her relationship with some other people" Bria mom says.

"What was his name" Kami ask.

"Leo" Bria's mom gets up and walks over as they take Bria body away.

"If this ain't about a bitch" Carman says.

"We can't even focus on getting Leo bitch ass since that bitch is here" Kami says then looks over at me, "you cool" she puts her hand around my shoulder.
"Death is creeping up closely and I can feel it, we have to watch our backs" Kami pulls her head on my shoulder, and grabs Carmen hand.

Bria dead
Alex trying to make a move on King?
Team Alex or Team Joy?

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