Chapter 29: Two Birds

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Strapped with that flame and he ready to bust a brain
You can't tell the homie nothing, he done felt too much pain
He don't care nuttin' 'bout no fame, he addicted to the game

Ain't No Way Around It

As I walking down the hall, I see Troy's office door open. I walk in and see Alex standing looking around in Troy's office.

"What the hell are you doing in here" I ask her because the this office door is always locked.

"The door was open so I walked in" she shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, you're no supposed to be in here so you got to go" I tell her, I don't believe that the door was just open and free to walk into.

"Oh I'm sorry, I guess you're the queen of place . I guess since your fucking the boss" she laughs looking at some pictures on his desk.

"Excuse me" I ask her, I'm real close to running up and snatching her up.

"I bet you went straight to fucking him" she looks at me and smiles.

"You don't know a damn thing about me, I work my ass off just like everyone else" I fold my arms.

"Oh yeah, I bet you didn't start working downstairs packing" she tilts her head. Then she looks at me for a second and smiles. "Thought so, just stay out my way and we won't have a problem" She walks pass me out the room.

I close and locked the door, I'm have to beat her ass I see. But that's the last thing on my mind. I go downstairs to the basement and I see: Killa, Carmen, Ron, Kami, and Jay. Kami is on her computer and everyone is looking at it. As I walk over and sit next to them, i see Alex come downstairs walking around.

"Yo who's that" Ron leans over and ask me.

"A problem" I tell him and he looks at me and nods his head. I look at see King come down and comes over to us and Alex comes over to.

"What's the word" King asks Kami looking at the computer.

"I have the girl Dona information but not much, who every filed her in covered her ass so she must be part of this" Kami says.

"What's thins" Alex looks at King and King look at her like she is crazy.

"I got other shit to do besides what y'all need" He tells her.

"I don't care, I need my shit handle first" she snapped at him.

"Yo, who is this chick" Carmen jumps in.

"Who are you, what do you do you just sitting around on your ass" Alex raise her voice.

"Yo watch your mouth, I'm save lives and I fucking end them so watch out hoe" Carmen says.

"Who you threaten" Alex says.

"Yo chill, Alex get the fuck over here" King tells her and they walk away.

"I told you she was a problem" I tell Ron.

"Yo we ain't go time for this shit, why she even here" Carmen says.


I walk over with Alex and tell her this is my shit and she can't come in here and runnin it like its her show.

"Aye you got to fucking chill, you want your job done well yo ass got to wait until I finish my shit" I tell her.

"Well, I don't think Troy would appreciate you putting more time on his sentence" she looks up at me and smiles.

"Yo you got some fucking nerves coming in my shit and threatening me and my fucking crew" I laugh at her stupidity.

"As far as I know this shit is now my shit, now go over there and tell your I mean my crew. We got shit to do, with Dean. Ok" She rubs her hand across my chest.

"Keep your hands to yourself" I grab her hand and she smiles but I'm dead serious.

"Your cute, she won't find out" She winks and walks away from me.

I walk over to the crew and I see Alex sitting on the opposite side of them looking at me.

"We got to focus of something new" I tell them and they all look at me like I'm crazy.


Something is not right, this chick comes in and has King changing what we are doing.

"Killa I need you and Joy to find out more about Dean if he was at the John Engel place find out more about him" King tells us.

"What's more to find out, Leo lied about the whole hit. The mans not even married, we need to find Leo" I tell him because he is acting really stupid right now.

"Well look again" he yells out, he just pissed me off I get up and head upstairs, as I'm walking to the steps I see Alex leaning on the walk.

"I guess your not the queen I thought you were, just his little bitch" she laughs. I walk up to her and punch her dead in her face but it hurt my hand like a bitch but I played it off.

"What the fuck" she looks at her hands which was covered in blood and then at me.

"Don't talk to me, you don't know me. I don't know you lets keep it that way" I tell her and walk away.

"You're going to wish you never did that" she yells laughing out. Now I'm I really.

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