Chapter 10: Tell

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Father, oh Lord in heaven, is this how you saw it?
When you made your creation, is this what you wanted?

Penthouse Cloud
The Internet

Week later

I'm finally back working at the warehouse. I'm still staying with King because he doesn't want me on my own yet. Surprisingly me and King have not killed each other. We actually been getting along. But Neither one of us has talked to Troy since last week.

I roll over and look at my phone and see it 2 in the morning. I slowly walk to the kitchen and get some the water. I see the light on in the office behind the kitchen. I slowly walk to the office. I open the door and see King leaning back in his chair smoking.

"You still up" I ask him.

"Can't sleep" he says with a really sleepy voice.

"I can't either" I walk in a sit next to him.

"You think he's ok" I ask him.

"I know Troy, he cool he probably to busy to call" He says looking at me.

"I sure hope so, he has always been there for me and I feel like I'm not there for him" I said not realizing I'm telling my emotions to him.

"You still here so you are there for him, shit of you was another female, they would leave him high and dry" he adds.

"Yea, I guess" I bring my good leg up to me in the chair.

"Patience is key" he leans back as nods his head.

"King how old are you" I ask him because I honestly don't know, the way he talks makes me think his about 30 but the way he acts and look is about 20.

"21, why" he looks at me funny.

"Just asking" I shrug my shoulders

"Joy, tell me your full story" he glance at me.

"You sure" I ask and he nods he head up and down. I can't believe I'm about to do this, my past is a something that hurt me and I hate talking about but for some odd reason I feel like I can tell him.

"Ok" I blow out my cheeks and tell him.

"Well my child hood was ok for the most part, we were poor but happy. But when I was about 7 my dad left and my life turn for the worst. My mom got hooked to crack and heroine. She used to hit me, one time knock me out cold and left me there to rot. But she came back apologizing. By the time i was in high school I wouldn't treat as my mom but still acknowledge her as my mom. I would treat her as a patient I was trying to help but she would never listen. I met Troy he would talk about me but if someone else talked about me he would protect me like a brother would a sister. I told him the stuff with my mom he would give some money when I really need it to pay some bills and I would make sure I pay him back even though he didn't want to accept it. After I graduate I went MIA on everyone but kept in contact with Troy every now and then and my mom got worst and my job was not cutting so I called Troy and that's how I go here" I confess to him. It actually felt good to get that off my chest. "Your turn" I look at him.

"Let's save that for another night ma" he gets up. "Thanks though" he walks out the door leaving the door open.

I sigh and I go to the room I'm staying in and go to sleep.


I wake up and I roll over and see it's 11am. I get up and do my hygiene. When I get out the shower I observe my body. I still see a bruise on my stomach, I run my fingers over it and still hurts just a little but nothing I can't handle. I put on my clothes and head out to the kitchen to get some breakfast. As I'm sitting eating my cereal I hear the front door open, but it's not King it's a older lady.

"Oh.. Hello sweet heart" she walks over to me.

"Hi" I smile and continue to eat hoping she won't ask me any questions.

"Sweet, you know where Kyree is" She asks throwing me off guard I'm guessing this is is mom or something like that.

"He may be in his room upstairs"I says guessing because I don't know if he left of not.

"Ok, baby who are you" she sits in front of me.

"I'm Joy, a friend of his" I tell her.

"Call me mama Grace, Kyree mother." she said, "also your too pretty to be a friend of my son" she grinned.

"Trust ma'am, we're just friends" I laugh a bit and how she doesn't believe me.

"Ok, if you say so" she gets up and walks upstairs, well that was weird.

I finish my food and I wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen a little bit. When I finish I go sit in the front and watch tv. I see King and his mama come down the stairs.

"I expect you at Dinner Friday Kyree I'm not playing with you" I see his mom come down first.

"Alright" I hear the annoyance in King's voice.

"I'm serious" she says as she standing in front of the front door. "Nice meet you Joy" she looks at me and smile.

"Nice meeting you to" I reply with a smile.

"I better see you" she points at him then see walks out the door. He closes the door and huff and puffs.

"Mybad about her" he stands behind the couch.

"It's cool, she's nice" I shrug my shoulders, then i see out the corner of my eye him going upstairs. I'm so glad I don't have to go to the warehouse today.

I halfway watch tv while on my phone, when my eyes get heavy I lay down and I take a nap on the couch. I wake up and it's dark outside, I walk to the kitchen and get a bottle of water and go back to the couch and watch Paper Towns. A movie about a guy and his crush spend a night getting back at the people that did her wrong and the next day she goes missing and he trys to find her with some of his friends. As I'm watching the movie I hear King come through the front door.

"Why you laying in the same spot as I left you in" he walks over and throw my feet off the couch so he could sit down but the motherfucker forgot one of my leg aren't fully healed.

"Damn nigga" I roll my eyes at him and grab my leg.

"Shit my bad I forgot" he grabs my legs and put them on top of his lap. "What's this" he asked.

"Um Paper Towns"I tell him.

"Aye, but here" he reaches in his pocket and grabs a key.

"Shit Joy don't make me regret this. The only person that has ever had a key to my house is my moms and myself, but it seem like you not leaving until Money come back" he hands me the key. I'm glad I've been locked in this house. I would have to leave with him and come back with him because i didn't have a key. "Don't be bring nobody in my house but the main crew" he adds.

"Ok" I put the key on my key chain on the table next to me.


Joy is going to be staying with King for a long time?

Where is Troy?

Joy told King her story

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