Interview with: Broken_Muse

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Name of Book:

Rumours from Beyond: Banished

Genre of Book:

Werewolf, Short Story

How did you discover Wattpad?

I always visit this site names Yahoo!Answers, and all of the people there were complaining about Wattpad. I always used to ask questions on there, and one day, an answerer told me to join Wattpad and get constructive criticism on my writing. So I thought I'd take a look at Wattpad, and instantly fell in love with it.

How did your interest in writing originate?

My family had always been artistic, and I started to feel out of place when my cousin started to show through her talent for singing. Since the age of two, I've been able to read at a sixth year level, so I'd always been reading. At the age of ten, I read Harry Potter, and that encouraged me start writing at first. Then I read the Darkest Powers trilogy, and that was the turning point for me. I've loved writing since then.

What was the inspiration for your story?

Life. Not many books inspire me, and the ones I have read, I couldn't really draw inspiration from them and use it in my story. So life was the only thing I had, and that's what I used.

How did you come up with the idea for your story?

Life, basically. I've always loved werewolves, and I've always had this obsession with deaf people. So I thought "What would happen if a werewolf was deaf? Would it get kicked out of its pack for being useless?" And so, I let my imagination go wild.

Did you stick to your original story plot or changed it?

I stuck with my original plot, basically because the first draft is never perfect, and at the moment it is a first draft. I also love the plot at the moment, so there's no need for me to change anything. Yes, I tweak every now and again, but I've never really changed anything.

Who is your favorite character from your story?

It would have to be Cassius. Mainly because he's the main character, and although he's not a wimp, he shows the right emotions for the situation he's in. He draws me in and I want to explore his personality and range of emotions. With every movement he does, I have new questions to ask myself, and it helps me discover new things about him.

Can you say something extra about your book readers don’t know?

Something that readers don't know… Well, there’s a lot that people don't know yet, like exactly how Cassius became deaf and exactly what that cat was. I can't answer them at the moment, since they will be revealed as time goes on. But I will say, not one secret is normal, and nothing that happens to Cassius is ordinary.

Have you ever had writers block? How do/did you overcome it?

I have and I have yet to figure out how to properly overcome it. I have - in the past - pushed the story to the side for a couple of hours/days and started on something different. Just to take my mind off of it so it gives me more inspiration. If that doesn't work, I bounce ideas off of my family members. Having someone to talk to can give you all different ideas!

Are your characters based on real life people?

Yes, Cassius is slightly based off of my boyfriend - Malachi. He's the go to person for me to learn more things about life not being able to hear and the troubles you can through. Since Malachi became deaf, the feelings he had when he realized he couldn't hear/when he went through the process of losing his hearing really helps when writing Cassius. It makes him more human.

Who inspire you?

Kelley Armstrong - published author of the Darkest Powers trilogy- is my main inspiration. Her teen books are amazing and so life-like. Then you have J.K Rowling, a living legend.

Favorite authors:  published and Wattpad?

I haven't read much on Wattpad, so I don't have many favorite authors on here. I do love NicoleRobbie's 'Number Thirteen', and TekkenFan's 'Lakeview Manor', but that's about it.

Anything else you would like to add?

Never give up on writing no matter what. I had some down times about not having a perfect draft, but nothing can be perfect. You'll have a few mistakes in there, but as long as you polish the final draft as much as you can, people will love it. You'll always get haters, but as long as you have loyal fans, it doesn't matter. Also, never write what other people want you to write. I learnt that the hard way. In order to have a good book/story, you have to write what you want to write. You have to have passion and enjoyment in it.

I wish every one of the writers on Wattpad luck on their journey, whether they write original fiction or fan-fiction!

Interview With Werewolf Authors (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now