Interview with: orangeraindrop

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Name of Book:

So far I've got 3 posted:

How to Save a Life (completed)

Feral Attractions (on going)

In the Land of the Lycans (on going)

Genre of Book(s):

They are all about werewolves (How to Save a Life has some vamps) and romance.

How did you discover Wattpad?

 I was actually into reading fanfics and then one of the authors moved all of their work to Wattpad and I kind of followed...and stayed.

How did your Interest for writing originated?

I love to read and I became obsessed with some series. When they finished, I started writing more of them and then my own ideas began to spin off into new books with my own characters and worlds.

How did you come up with the idea for Stories?

Dreams, random things that pop into my head, especially while reading other stories of any genre--ways I would have liked to see their story progress. Then I mutate it into something fun.

Did you stick to your original plot or changed it?

When I write on Wattpad (I write my stories mostly offline and I use Wattpad as a way to work through my writers block for them) I only have generalized plot points I want to get to, so I usually try to stick to them unless I get some stroke of genius.

Who is your favorite character from your stories?

My characters are like my babies. I name them. I nurture them. It would be inhuman of me to choose a favorite (or at least voice it).

Can you say something extra about your book readers don’t know?

Isn't this cheating...?

Have you ever had writer’s Block? How did/do you overcome it?

Yes, anybody who writes gets it eventually. I try my hand at another story, read a book, watch a movie, and then force myself to sit back down and push out some words (no matter how terrible). It's always easier to go back and edit through something you have down than to make words appear on a blank canvas.

Are your characters based on real life people?

Some of my characters are vaguely based off of people I know. At least some of their qualities I like or find annoying (just depending on what the character needs).

Who inspires you/ Favorite authors, published and wattpad?

I'm inspired by some werewolf series that are in print (Briggs and Armstrong are the best!). My favorite books/authors on wattpad cycle depending on my mood, but are kept updated in my reading lists!

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