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His arrogance is shaken

by a common girl

and his crown is misshapen

when she twists his world.

His skies begin to wither,

to break,

and the roots grow thicker,

and reflections break.

His slate of knowledge crumbles,

suddenly not so sturdy,

and his irate hate takes him for a tumble

because he's dirty and wordy with hurting.

So the slicing black cuts by his eyes

and the snakes cringe from his hiss,

and the seasons shudder to approach his ire,

and fissures give way to his abyss.

He's got a heart of black

and skin like scale,

he gave me a heart attack,

tracking the spikes on his tail;

he got a deal with the Devil

when he played his hand,

knocked her down a level,

to make her bow so he can stand.

But her white keeps shining

and he recoils from the breaking

because he tastes the bitter of her crying

and it leaves him shaken and quaking.

His arrogance is shaken

by a common girl

and his crown is left misshapen

when she twists his world.

His skies begin to wither,

to break,

and the roots grow thicker,

and inflections break.


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