Rest Now

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Rest Now

Rest now, my child...

Sing lullabies to ease your weary mind.

You sang your songs of sad symphonies

as I let you endure pain's harsh epiphanies.

I know the yearning that resides in your heart.

I've seen anxiety tearing you apart.

I've hard the restless cry of your soul,

for the world, Dear, it has been so cruel.

Rest now, my child...

Linger no more upon the broken window.

Let your past find you healing and walking forward.

Let your heart find itself mending once more.

We danced to the syllables spoken,

we watched the skies beyond the stars, so broken.

I cradled you in my arms, my child,

while you receded into the depths of me for a while.

And I called your name so you would awaken.

I felt your tears and tested them, shaken.

We breathe again, Heart.

We are here with Love now, we are.

We are safe, we are sound,

we will never again be bound.

Mortal wounds cannot inflict upon us anew,

our scars harden and protect what we withdrew.

Our kindness never faded into ash,

for we kept it sealed and hidden with every task.

I found us wanting and unwanted.

I found us waiting and also rusted.

I found us crying and our faces tearstained,

but I refused to let us be dusted and drained.

Rest now, my weary soul...

God sings to us so we can let go.


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