I Lived

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I Lived - onerepublic

Something was pulling him back to that beach, back to the place he had called home his entire life. Rather, something was pushing him back. A command he couldn't refuse, an order he couldn't ignore. He didn't know why but that seemed irrelevant anyway.

His consciousness was becoming more defined, almost tangible. Lately, time had lost all meaning and he couldn't distinguish day from night. Time was also irrelevant. This new state of existence had been peaceful, content. But as he was drawn back to that beach, it transformed, becoming concerned, and there was a sense of worry. Perhaps danger as well.

He could see the ocean he had loved, the waves he had surfed countless times, the shore he had walked along. But it was no longer his home. He no longer had the same  connection to this place he had once had. It was a strange sensation but one that was not unpleasant. That surprised him, he had a new home now. The still unanswered reason for his journey to this place was unsettling, but he understood that it was necessary nonetheless.

Suddenly he was aware of a voice crying out, laced with desperation and deep need. A call to God for help, to be seen, to be heard. The voice was familiar, but not the emotion it held. He hadn't heard this voice so distraught. And then he knew. This was why he had been sent, this was his calling.

So he listened. He watched. Her pain was coming out in waves, as powerful as the ocean currents. He felt it deeply, knowing that he held some of the keys to resolving it. He wasn't sure how yet. He did know that this was unfinished business, and a way to help the friend he loved, the friend who was hurting, the friend he had to leave too soon.

He continued to listen, and he waited. Slowly the voice began to quiet. The emotion began to die down and become calm. The energy changed and she fell still. Eventually she left, but he remained.

He understood that he needed to stay close by. Something was about to occur and he would need to intervene. He found himself near another beach he was familiar with, the bonfire beach. He observed people he knew, old friends that he had spent time with on that very beach, setting up yet another bonfire.

And then she arrived, looking for his friend, to no avail. He watched as she started drinking, feeling a strong need to protect her, and then she found a spot to sit and watch the others.

It didn't take long for someone to notice her and sit with her. His instincts told him to go to her, to get her out of there.

Suddenly he was in front of her, looking right at her, imploring her with his eyes to get up and leave with him. And she did.

He took her hand to lead her back, but it felt wrong. He shouldn't be touching her, this, however, was necessary to keep her moving in the right direction.

He was able to find his voice, "I don't think that guy had good intentions for you."

She shivered and responded, "Who are you?" Giggling.

"Will," he stated simply but looked into her eyes, trying to convey that she was safe.

He let her talk, well ramble on actually, as he walked her toward her tent. She was talking about his friend, but never said his name. Yes, this was what he was here to do, prepare her for Ethan. It was time.

As they arrived at her tent he told her, instructed her to get some sleep so she wouldn't have a headache. Then he had an inspiration, he should let her continue to talk with him and build up her confidence. She would need it soon to speak with Ethan. This time she wouldn't leave.

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