Communication Breakdown

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Communication Breakdown - led zepplin

After walking through Mission San Luis Obisbo, the historic California mission in downtown SLO, Ethan planned on taking Hope down to the little stream that separated the area between the mission and the shops. His place of employment, Novo, was on the other side of the stream. He had no intensions of taking Hope there that day, just the stream.

When Hope had described her little stones, and then told him about getting another one from the hilltop to remind her of their drive, Ethan knew he wanted to bring her to that stream. There were little benches to sit on and relax while the sound of the rushing stream moved past them. There were large river stones that they could use as stepping stones across the stream. But most of all, there were small, smooth stones that Hope could choose from to remember the day they were spending together.

Above all else, Ethan desperately wanted Hope to remember her time with him. He knew it was limited, with her home being four hours south of Morro and only another week or so in town. His plan was to set the stage for a future with her, perhaps a forever with her. It was taking everything he had to slow down for her, he knew she needed that from him.

As they left the mission, Hope turned to him and wondered about their tour.

"Was this planned, the tour of the mission?"

"No, this was just spontaneous. Did you like it?"

"Yeah, I've been to other missions, but not this one. I'm glad we went through it."

"Well, are you ready for the next part of our day? It's not too far actually."

Hope nodded her head with a smile, so Ethan once again took her hand, cupping it with his own. He led her across the bridge between the two sides and then down the walkway leading to the stream.  As it came into view, Ethan turned to Hope.

"I thought we could walk along the stream for a bit, and you might find a little stone, um, for your collection." He was suddenly nervous that his idea would sound strange, or presumptive to her.

"That's perfect. You have planned just the perfect day!" Hope enthused.

He was instantly calmed by her excitement and smiled back to her. Walking along the stream, he saw a bolder with a flat surface that would make a good seat.

"Here, let's sit on this rock for a while." He motioned to the stone seat and helped her up onto it. As she sat next to him, he started feeling the familiar stirrings of nerves. There was nothing in particular that triggered the sudden anxiety, but Ethan realized that his heart and gut were beginning to overrule his mind. He would be making a confession soon, one that he had planned to keep a bit longer to himself.

They sat quietly for a while, Ethan's heart and mind at war the entire time. He wasn't ready to tell her about the last five years. He was so overcome by worry that he wasn't paying much attention to Hope at that point.

Suddenly, Hope leaned forward and reached into the stream. She pulled her hand out of the water and opened her hand to Ethan, showing him the little brown stone she had retrieved.

"Do you have a word for that one yet?" He wondered aloud.

"No, not yet. It will come to me eventually."

That was as good an opening as any. Ethan threw caution to the wind and decided to just let it out. His nerves were raw at that point, but he felt strongly that he could trust her, and wanted her to know that this wasn't a casual hang out to him. This was everything to him.

"Well, maybe I can help. I have a confession to make to you" he said quietly. She turned toward Ethan to face him fully, giving him an encouraging smile but saying nothing to interrupt his speech.

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