Chapter 41: Time Up

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*Alexa Shiffer*

I don't know how long I sat with my arms around Jordan. His strong embrace made me feel safe and relaxed. His head was resting on my shoulder and I could feel his steady breathing on my skin. The quietness of the room had become stark as my breathing had returned to normal and my heartbeat was no longer resounding in my ears.

I couldn't help smiling every time I thought about Jordan. I also couldn't help feeling overwhelmingly embarrassed. I don't think I could look him the eye without blushing anytime soon.

I was brought back to my senses by the click of a door and voices downstairs. I instantly pulled away from Jordan with eyes wide.

"What is it?" Jordan asked, looking worried.

"Our parents are downstairs," I stated, suddenly remembering the situation we were in.

"...Yes," he replied slowly, giving me a confused look as if he didn't understand why I was so thick. "Did you forget?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "We came up here to let them speak, and then...well," I looked down.

"Haha, don't tell me you're embarrassed," he laughed and pinched my cheek.

"Of course not," I said stubbornly and swatted his hand away. I slid off the dresser and fixed my hair in the mirror. I cringed at the colour of my face; no wonder Jordan laughed at me.

I heard the kettle being boiled downstairs, followed by footsteps coming upstairs a few moments later. I whirled around and flung the door open before trying to look as casual as I could, standing awkwardly in the middle of my room. I didn't want it to look suspicious, the door being closed with Jordan and I inside. Knowing my parents, they would ask questions and that was not a discussion I wanted to have.

I briefly glanced over to Jordan, but he looked as cool as a cucumber swinging languidly on the chair next to my desk as if nothing had happened.

Seconds later, my mother appeared, peeking her head around the doorway. Her face was slightly red and her eyes were a little swollen from where she must have been crying, but there was a bleary smile on her face.

"There you two are," she said softly. "I've just put the kettle on, will you come downstairs and join us?" I turned to look at Jordan, but he was already standing up, an invigorated grin on his face.

"Of course," he answered politely. He stopped before he got to the door, gesturing me to leave first.

"Oh, thanks," I muttered as I shuffled out after my mother.

I was beyond nervous to go downstairs. I felt extremely uncomfortable around Jordan's parents and didn't know what to expect. Did things go okay? If so, why was my mom crying?

Jordan placed a supportive hand on my back as he followed me out, almost as if he sensed my discomfort. I took a breath. Everything would be alright as long as I had his comfort and he was there with me.

I heard casual chat coming from the living room as Jordan and I entered; my mom going back to the kitchen to make the drinks. The atmosphere was surprisingly light and Jordan's parents looked rather at home lounging on our couch. Three pairs of eyes turned to us as we came in.

Similarly to my mother's, Jordan's mother also looked as she has been crying, but now all three adults were smiling calming at us.

"Jordan, Alexa," Jordan's father said to us as we sat down across from them. "We have some important things we'd like to discuss with you in a moment." He glanced at my father, who nodded back earnestly. But first, I'd like to both of you." A humble expression rested on his face.

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