Chapter 17: An Insight

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An extra long chapter for you all-cos I'm just that awesome ;) Enjoy!


Chapter 17: An Insight

*Alexa Shiffer*

"Stop! Jordan! Quit spinning it!"

My vision was blurred and my head spun, seeing glimpses of my surroundings whip past every second. Squeezing my eyes shut and tucking my head down to my chest, I held on for dear life. Well, that's what it felt like anyway. I knew this was a bad idea. I should've stopped whilst I had the chance.

I could hear far away laughter, which I knew was Jordan. He wasn't listening to me. He could be such a jerk sometimes.

"STOP THAT!" I shouted again, my voice being caught in the wind and snatched away from its desired destination. There was no hope that he would hear me. And even if he did, there was probably no hope that he would listen. I grunted inwardly and knew instantly that I had no choice. I attempted to steady myself but it felt like someone was clutching my shoulders and violently shaking me in a desperate attempt to rattle every single bone in my body. Maybe that was a slight exaggeration.

Steadying my breathing and focusing on the outside landscape tornado, I counted down in my head.




I jumped for my life.

The world seemed to freeze for a second as I hovered in mid-air, like the feeling you get when help at the top of a rollercoaster before you plunge down the track. Then gravity returned to normal, and I crashed to the ground, flopping over a few times like a dying fish before coming to a stop and burying my face in the grass.

I could literally see stars and ducks circling my head like in a cartoon. My head swam from dizziness and I groaned in pain.

I heard footsteps advancing towards me, partnered with maniacal fits of laughter. My breath was coming out in short rasps now, heart beating at a hundred miles a minute. What kind of torture did this boy want to put me through?

I groaned again, this time in annoyance, and- with way more effort than it was worth- managed to flip myself onto my back so that I was staring up, straight into the emerald greens that were Jordan Simpson's eyes. They sparkled with glee at my misfortune and probably at what I looked like right now: a teenage girl sprawled out on the grass in a stationary running position, in a children's playground, hair everywhere and eyes squinting up under furrowed eyebrows.

I scowled up at Jordan with as much passion as I could muster. I think I was looking at Jordan anyway, but I couldn't be certain.

He gazed down at me patronisingly, obviously enjoying the situation that we were in. I thanked my lucky stars that no one I knew was in the park at that moment or I would have been thoroughly humiliated. It was bad enough that Jordan had to see it. I doubted that he would ever let himself forget that moment.

"Spinning not your thing then?" He asked casually.

"You think?" I replied sarcastically, and still quite considerably out if breath. "Did you not hear me begging you to stop?"

"Oh!" He pulled a face of mock realisation. "That was you yelling? I didn't realise." He shook his head, giving me a pitying smile.

"I nearly died!" I spluttered, propping myself onto my elbows. This was returned with another fit of laughter.

"What?" I demanded.

"You nearly died whilst spinning on a round-about in a children's playground? That sure sounds like a near-death experience," Jordan said, words laced with humour and sarcasm.

The Reason Why [✓ Completed~ editing]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें